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alex is a famous business man who holds a c1 playboy key and has his eyes on a certain bunny.

[set in the 1980's]



It wasn't hard to figure out that every Playboy bunny was head over heels in love with Alex Elmslie.

Alex was a regular at the Playboy club at this point, visiting it almost everyday.

Any bunny would kill to be his girlfriend, even serving his table is a blessing in of itself.

"Do you think Mr. Elmslie is going to come today?" Amy asked as she put on her lipstick.

"Of course he will, he comes almost everyday" Stephanie replied as she fixed her curls.

"You know.. I've seen him eyeing y/n a lot recently, even heard that he requested for her to serve his table from now on."

That caught y/n's attention, Alex Elmslie? One of the most famous and attractive business men having eyes on her? Not a chance.

"Please, you're just talking a lot of nonsense, no way he'd ever have eyes on me" y/n said.

Her coworkers rolled their eyes, "then explain why he's always looking at you when you go serve other tables? It's so obvious" Amy stated.

They chuckled, "you know, he has a C1 key, maybe y/n is the lucky bunny" Maria teased.

It was y/n's turn to roll her eyes this time, "whatever, let's just hurry up so we can open?"

The hours were going by quickly, the girls were doing a good job at serving their tables and everything seemed to be going smoothly.

That was until Alex came.

Y/N was told to go serve his table, earning multiple oo's and smirks from her coworkers.

"Make sure to move your hips and be all seductive" Amy whispered as she walked by y/n.

Mentally y/n rolled her eyes but followed her advice, swaying her hips as she made her way towards Alex's table.

"Evening Mr. Elmslie" y/n smiled at him, setting a cocktail down on his table.

Alex chuckled, "you already knew what I wanted, do I come here that often?" he asked, taking a sip.

Y/N smiled and nodded "well, yes, you do come here quite a lot Mr. Elmslie."

"Please, call me Alex" he said, giving her a soft smile, "after all, you'll be serving me everyday from now on so might as well right?"

Y/N shot him a confused look, "what..?" was all she managed to choke out.

Alex dipped his head down a bit, a soft chuckle escaped his lips, "here, have a seat, I suppose I should explain things instead of thinking you already know it."

Hesitantly y/n took a seat, "don't be scared love, you won't get fired, I already made sure of that" he said.

He placed his hand on her thigh before speaking, "I've had my eyes on you for a while now.. You're not like the other bunnies, you're different, they seem to do it for the money, they put on this fake personality... but you? You do this because you actually enjoy it, you seem genuine whenever you're serving people, and that's what makes you different from the rest."

Y/N didn't know what to say, she was shocked, confused even.

She felt as if she was dreaming, no way Alex Elmslie, one of the most handsome and most famous business men in the UK had feelings for her.

"Alex..." was all she managed to say, he smiled at her, his eyes were soft and his hand was now interlocking hers.

Before y/n could even comprehend what was happening, Alex leaned in and kissed her.

The kiss was soft and passionate, y/n felt as if she was on cloud nine, both her heart and mind were racing.

Y/N pushed away, she couldn't, she couldn't risk losing her job.

"Alex.. I can't, I can't risk losing my job, you're really attractive, like really attractive but I just- I can't" y/n said, hanging her head down in shame.

Alex chuckled, placing a finger under her chin and making her look at him, "darling, who said you're going to lose it?"

She raised her eyebrows, confusion flashing all over her face, "darling, you're little boss has been trying to impress me for months, even gave me a c1 key, I think you'll be more than fine" he stated.

Relief flooded over her, a smile crept on her face as she cupped his face and gave him a soft kiss.

"So, is that a yes?" he asked, y/n blushed and smiled, her hair bouncing up and down.

"Yes, absolutely"

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