chapter one

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"How the fuck did he manage to forget his keys, again?!" I mutter as I cross the street.

"Koda!" someone calls your name from inside the worn down gym.

I roll my eyes and jog into the building, rummaging in my bag to find the extra set of keys.

My brother calls out again, "Koda, watch out!"

Before I can look up I crash into another person, contents of my bag flying out onto the waxed floor as I fall.

I can feel a pair of hands grab my waist and pull me towards them as we collide into the floor.

In a flash my hands reach out and hit the floor, stabilizing my body.

I open my eyes a few seconds after I hit the floor, trying to grasp my surroundings.

I look down, and hazel eyes gaze back up at me.

A blush burns across my cheeks as I realize I'm straddling this man, his hands resting on my hips.

I take a hand from the side of his head, tucking my hair behind my ear as I start blurting out an apology.

"Are you hurt?" he interrupts, his voice deep and gravelly, easing my anxious demeanor.

I sit up, weight shifting onto his hips, "No. I'm fine."

"Good," he chuckles, and I climb off of his body, brushing down my skirt as I stand up.

"Are you okay?" I ask, holding out my hand, "I was careless when I came in, I'm sorry, it's my fault."

He smiles and takes my hand, leveraging himself up, "I'm alright."

I cock my head, looking him up and down, "Are you sure?"

"I don't mind a bit of pain," he whispers as he walks past me, my eyes widening a bit as I look up at him.

"Koda, here," Yūsuke says, holding out my bag, "I picked up the stuff you dropped on your way in. Nice entrance, by the way, nine out of ten, since you didn't stick the landing."

"Shut up," I hiss, "I only fell because you left your fucking keys at home."

He snickers and sticks out his tongue, "Thank you for bringing them, you're the best sister ever."

I roll my eyes and turn to leave.

"Don't you want to watch me spike before you go?" Yūsuke calls after me.

I keep walking, dismissively waving my hand back at him, "I'm good."

"Please!" he pleads, "I'll buy you pudding later if you do."

I immediately turn around and raise my eyebrows expectantly, "You promise?"

Yūsuke's face lights up as he nods aggressively.

He turns to the man I crashed into earlier, "Ukai! Can you set me the ball?"

He turns around and nods at him, "Just toss me the ball."

"Now watch carefully Koda-chan, this is how graduates play volleyball," Yūsuke announces cockily.

    "Mhm," I agree sarcastically.

    He grabs a discarded volleyball and stops in the back row.

Ukai ducks under the net, positioning himself off to the right of the court.

Yūsuke tosses a high ball and starts approaching the net in the first tempo.

    I know I'm supposed to watch my brother, but I can't take my eyes off Ukai.

His shirt lifts as he raises his arms to set, his skin the only thing I can focus on.

His eyes track the ball methodically, and as it graces his fingertips he sets it to Yūsuke perfectly, his years of experience shining through in a single moment.

My mouth gapes at his set, completely ignoring my brother's spike.

Ukai's hands fall to his sides as the ball slams into the opposite court.

    "And that's how the Neighborhood Association Team does it," Yūsuke yells, high-fiving Ukai. The man lets out a low chuckle, contrasting my brother's high giggle.

A bleached strand of hair falls from the confines of his hairband, landing onto his forehead.

    'Holy shit.'

    This man is so pretty. How the actual fuck can he still be this attractive after an hour of training?

    "I'll get you your pudding after practice, okay?" Yūsuke says as he walks up to me, snapping me back onto reality.

    I look up at him and then the clock, "I'll be back in an hour then."

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