Chapter 17: Dark and Stormy Night (BEING REWRITTEN!!!)

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(Hello once again, hope you're all doing well! Hoofff!! I've been BI Z! I went back and did a MAJOR author's edit, and rewrote and added a lot more parts on all the previous chapters, and made corrections to try and make them sound better. And I must say, I'm VERY happy with how the chapters sound now! I also switched out and added a few more new songs with some different sounding ones, made some better-looking blender images to replace some of the old ones as well as made some brand new ones, and added an additional character chapter! Tiring, but it was worth it! Hope to hear if you guys think the previous chapters sound a bit better than they originally did.

Okay, now that I've cleared all that up, let's get down to some IMPORTANT business! So, I would like to thank:

@EtherVivixian @CalebUchihaReborn @WhitecatCraft

@ZinidiusVoltaris @Titan1942 @Woodenstick1234


I am so sorry for the long overdue thank you! But here it is!

Also, a big thank you to all my other followers as well! I appreciate each and every single one of you! Without you all, this story would be meaningless and pointless to write without others to enjoy it. I enjoy reading your comments and reading your reactions to the story! I simply can not thank you all enough!

*takes deep breaths from talking too much too fast*

So without- further ado... here is- nez chapter!)

*passes out from exhaustion and begins taking a long nap*


(Would suggest listening to Illusions' by Ambient Reflections, also put in another ambiance for backgrounds sounds)

(Achillean's POV)

A soft wind blew the scent of sweet-smelling flowers in his nose. Achillean opened his eyes to see he was standing in a woodland forest. Sunlight shined through the branches of the massive taiga trees, filling the air with the smell of pine. He could hear the sounds of a woodpecker tapping its beak away at the bark of a tree, the droning and buzzing of bees flying through the flowers, and the occasional rustling of bushes as animals scurried along the ground. Achillean was glad it was finally warm and sunny... compared to the last few days.

It was mid-afternoon. Looking around, he tries to spot the nearby village. But Achillean could see he was alone. Where was everyone? More importantly, how did he get out here?

In the distance, his eyes spotted a bright red cardinal, sitting on a low hanging tree branch, staring at him. Achillean admired the bird, as it sang its sweet melody to its heart's content.


Achillean turned his head as he heard a soft whisper in his right ear. The voice seemed to carry his name through the trees. But the sound had been so soft, he had almost mistook it for the wind. But none of the plants around him had been disturbed by this unseen force.

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