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war's pov

sunlight went in my eyes which made me wake up. I looked around , it wasn't my hotel room. I felt arms around my waist , I looked back to see a shirtless yin , back hugging me while he was sleeping.

my clothes weren't the same ones I wore to the event last night , they were quite big on me. probably because they were yin's.

then I remembered that I slept in the car last night , yin probably brought me here. he felt me move and then he woke up too.

"good morning" he said

"why am I here?"

"no good morning for me?" yin frowned

"yin , get to the point."

"you slept in the car , so I picked you up bridal style and brought you in the hotel. I couldn't find your keys so I just brought you here!"

"what?! you picked me up bridal style in front of your whole family!?! " I was extremely red

"in front of the whole hotel baby"

"tell me you're kidding"

"of course I did! your body is so light and soft"

"but my keys were in my pocket , or you could've just asked the reception for another key!"

"it was so late at night , and the whole hotel was packed with people who just came back from the event. I was too tired , so I just brought you here. I slept really well after so many days" he said with a huge smile on his face

i'm not gonna lie , yin is being really sweet right now. I kinda really like this side of him , he's usually not like this at all , he's arrogant and straightforward and doesn't really care about anything except his car. I don't know why he suddenly changed so much , but I don't mind him being like this. but this isn't the yin i fell in love with.

then I got up from the bed , to go get ready for the day

"where are you going?" yin asked

"I need to take a shower , and get ready. remember we need to go to today's event venue"

"oh my god , I forgot."

"yeah that's what I thought , now go get ready it's already eleven"

"first give me a kiss , baby"

"what?! no!"

"please baby , just one" yin said innocently while making puppy eyes

"fine whatever"

then war leaned down to the bed and gave yin a kiss on his cheeks

"just on the cheeks?" yin asked

he then gave him a peck on his lips

"happy yet? now go take a shower"


it was more than an hour later , we were at the venue for today's event. the venue for today compared to yesterday's was much bigger and more spacious.

yin's family were just checking everything and making sure it was perfect. then p'fang came up to me

"hey war! mom and dad are taking us out to lunch! but they have something to do first with yin and jaii , so all of them will go together and you'll come with me to the restaurant then they'll join us there later. okay?" she said with a huge smile on her face

"oh okay p'fang"

"come let's go to the car"

this was super awkward , i've never been alone with p'fang before. I don't even know her that well at all , i've also never had a conversation with her at all.

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