Chapter 3: The private training lesson

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Siobhan's POV

Saturday came and I woke up early, I hated the fact that Oliver wanted a private lesson with me even through the training lesson with the team yesterday, I did so much better then I did last year, I woke up and I got ready before I went out of the dorms walking down the stairs, I bumped into Oliver as I was walking down the stairs "Oh, you are up, Siobhan" "Yeah, I just figured I would get up early" "That's the spirit, now, come on, we got some training to do" 

We walked down to the quidditch field carrying the box that contained the balls in one hand while carrying my broomstick in the other hand. Oliver and I set the box down and he opens the box and he gets the golden snitch out for me as I climb onto my broom, the golden snitch starts to move and I go after it dodging the bludgers, I caught up to the golden snitch reaching out to catch it, I was so close when I fell off my broom landing on top of Oliver who had fallen over when I crashed into him.

"Sorry" I said before Oliver starts to laugh, I then said to him "What's so funny?" "The fact that you almost caught the golden snitch" The golden snitch then lands in my hand and I stood up helping Oliver up.

Oliver then said to me "I think you should go again" We did the private training session for a while and Oliver had joined me in the air on his broom before we landed on the ground to take a break when I heard "Well done, my dear, you did a great job out there" It was Marcus, I looked at him mad before I said to him "Go away, Marcus, this is a private training session" "I would but I just wanted to see my future wife" "I'm not going to marry you, Marcus, go away" "Oh really?, you'll be sorry Siobhan, after all I am a part of one of the richest families in this world, why can't you see that you'll be happier with me then some dude who won't be able to support you?, oh wait, your pathetic mother married a guy who isn't able to support her or his family" "Don't you dare go talking about my parents like that!" I was about to punch him when Oliver said to me "Siobhan!, he's not worth it" Marcus then walked off and I sighed before Oliver said to me "Right, I think we are done now, you can go, I'll pack up" "Thanks Ollie but I'll help you pack up" I said as I grabbed my broomstick before Oliver said to me "Did you just call me-" "Oh, oh no, I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you that" "It's fine, I like the nickname, you can call me that if you want to" "Okay" We then grabbed the bludgers placing them inside the case before the golden snitch returned to us and Oliver placed it inside the case before he closes it before we walked off the field dropping off the case to Madam Hooch's office.

We walked back to our dorms before breakfast to drop off our brooms in our dorm rooms before heading to the great hall for breakfast, some students were walking through the halls while others were getting up in their dorm rooms for breakfast.

Oliver then said to me "So uhh, how come you haven't found a boyfriend yet?" "I've been so busy this summer with training that I didn't have time to go out and socialise with guys besides guys don't go for female players on a sport team" "I'm sure there's a guy out there that wants you to date him" "I don't know, I'm different then the rest of my family" "What do you mean?" "Sometimes I have this dream of me flying" "Flying on a broomstick?" "No, more like me flying with wings like I'm a fairy, it's impossible though and it's just a dream" 

Oliver's POV

"Anything you dream of sounds great, Siobhan" "Really?" "Yeah, besides it sounds like a great dream" I then noticed a piece of her hair on the left hand side started to turn orange "Siobhan, your hair" "Mmm, oh yeah, my dad jokes about it a lot while my mom thinks that I got it from a relative that is dead" "No, your hair, a piece of it on the life hand side is turning orange" "What?!?!" "Don't freak out, I'm sure that-" Siobhan then looked at it in pure shock before she said to me "What's going on?" "I don't know, we should go see Professor McGonagall, she'll know what to do or what's going on with your hair" "Maybe we shouldn't, what if she kicks me out because she thinks that I dyed it?, I-, I gotta go" she then runs off and I sigh as she runs off.

Later on....

I was at breakfast with the twins when Fred said to me "Cheer up Oliver, I'm sure that she didn't mean to run off like that" "Yeah, it was weird, she was so freaked out about a piece of hair turning to orange" George then said "Wait what?!?!, a piece of her hair turned orange!" "Yeah, it did and all on it's own, she didn't know what to do" "Uh oh" Fred and George said to each other as they stood up and Fred said to me "It was nice talking to you but we gotta go see Siobhan and make sure that she's okay" They then run off to go find Siobhan.

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