Chapter 15: Goodbye for now

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Oliver's POV

Siobhan and I were in her room as I finished packing my stuff ready to go home, my parents were coming to pick me up in a few minutes, I then said to her "I'm going to miss you" "I'm going to miss you too" we then heard downstairs "Oliver, your parents are here to pick you up" Siobhan then waved at my luggage making it go downstairs with out me having to take it downstairs by myself, Siobhan and I then walked downstairs and my mom was in the kitchen while my dad was taking my luggage to the car, My mother then said "Siobhan, it's so lovely to see you again, I hope Oliver didn't keep you too busy with quidditch" "He certainly didn't, we found other things to do while he was here" "You should come stay again sometime during the next break, we enjoyed having you stay with us the last time" "Certainly, I would love to stay for a few days again" My father then came inside the house and he said "All right, the luggage is all in the car, we should be heading off now" "Why don't you stay for lunch?, there's plenty of food to go around" Molly said to my parents, My mother then said to her "Oh Molly, we don't want to be interrupting your family lunch with us as guests" "Nonsense, there's plenty of food and plenty of room for the three of you to stay for lunch, I don't want my future son in law's family going home hungry" "Mom!" Siobhan said embarrassed by what her mother just said, Molly then said to her "What?, he's going to marry you one day when you both are older" 

Later on after lunch....

Siobhan's POV

My parents and the rest of siblings were saying goodbye to Oliver and his parents, Oliver then said to me "I guess this is it" "Yeah" "Goodbye for now, my love" "Goodbye, Ollie" We then kissed before his mom said "Alright, we got to go home now, it was lovely to see you all, come on Oliver" "Coming mom" we walked outside and then Oliver hugged me before he kissed my forehead, he then climbed into his dad's car and he waved goodbye as they went home, I can't wait to see Oliver again after the summer break.

The end

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