Chapter 9: I'm so sorry

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Siobhan's POV

The next day....

I woke up and I went down to breakfast, I sat down with Angelina and Katie, Angelina then said to me "Siobhan, I'm so sorry, we heard what happened to you with Oliver yesterday" "It's fine, I'm planning on quitting quidditch anyway" "What?, you can't just quit quidditch at the start of the season" Katie said to me before I said to her "It would just make it awkward between Oliver and I if I stay on the team, he knows now that I like him as more then a friend" "You're one of the best seekers that we've had on the team, you helped us beat Slytherin" "It's for the best guys, I can't stay on the team if I'm trying to get over him" "Come on, Siobhan, you are the last hybrid, I'm sure everything will go back to being normal tomorrow" "I hate being referred to as the last hybrid, I haven't shown any hand magic expect for that one time I pushed Oliver and he went flying into the air, I don't know why this ginger hair appeared on me, I haven't even turned into a fairy" "Not yet, just give it time" "Time, that's what everyone says, I don't have time to wait for my transformation to happen, it's better if I leave the team" I then walked off bumping into Oliver, I then walked past him before he said to me "Siobhan, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday" "Save it Oliver, I'm quitting, I'm not going to be on the team anymore" "What?!?!, you don't quit, I decide when you are done being on the team since I am the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and it's one of the rules" "That's such a stupid rule, why don't you tell that my time on the team is done?" "Because you are one of the best seekers that we've had on the team" 

I looked at him as he said that to me, damm, that deep scottish voice would make any girl's heart melt for him but it doesn't work for me anymore "Nice try, Wood, Don't try to flirt with me again, I'll see you around" I walked away from him with tears falling down my face.

Oliver's POV

I watched Siobhan walk away from me, I heard her crying as she walked away from me, I needed to make to up to her and to ask her to be my girlfriend, I then heard behind me "What should we do?, he's gonna be so upset if we don't help him with asking Siobhan out" "Fred, I was just thinking the exact same thing" I then turned around to find Fred and George standing behind me, I then said to them "How long have you guys been-" "Don't ask questions, Wood" Fred said to me before George said to me "Besides, you and Siobhan are meant to be together, we will help you ask her out" "But how I am meant to do that?" "Here's the plan" 

Harry Potter: Oliver Wood and Siobhan WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now