Chapter 7: The quidditch game part 2

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Siobhan's POV

"Oliver!" I yelled out towards him after he had fallen to the ground, I then glared at Marcus and he glared back at me before he passed the bat back to the beater that he got it off.

The game then continues and with no one defending the hoops, Slytherin scored 10 points, I was mad at this, I then saw Marcus and a chaser on the Slytherin team going after Angelina who had the quaflle, they then push her until the chaser grabs the ball off her and she falls to the ground, I then sigh before Slytherin scored another 10 points, I then saw the golden snitch next to me and I go after it and I dodged a bludger before my broom started acting up.

It was acting like it was wanting me to get off of it, I then had fallen off it and I gripped onto it with my hands before it stopped acting up and I climbed back onto it and I went after the golden snitch, The Slytherin team's seeker was after the golden snitch now, I then was right next to him and I shoved him and he shoved me back, I then shoved him again and then he shoved me back again before the snitch flew down to the grass and we go down after it, the Slytherin seeker then pulls up while I go after the golden snitch, I then stood up on my broom once my broom was straight and I was at low level, I reached out to grab the snitch and I fall to the ground as I tried to get it, I then stood up and I felt like I was going to throw up, the golden snitch then pops out of my mouth and I had caught it, Madam Hooch then blows her whistle and she says "She's got the snitch, Siobhan Weasley receives 150 points for catching the snitch, Gryffindor wins!" The crowd goes crazy cheering for me along with my teammates.

Once the crowd dies down and everyone was leaving, I quickly rushed over to Oliver while Angelina was getting taken to the hospital ward. I then rolled him over and he was lying now on his back, I then checked his pulse and he was still breathing, I then sighed saying "I'm gonna kill Marcus, he could have killed Oliver" "Oh, look, it's the girl that I'm going to marry one day" "Go away, Flint, you cold blooded liar!, you lied about the arrangement!" "I did, because you don't want to go after a guy who won't spoil you rotten" "What are you talking about?" "Everyone can tell that you like Oliver, you will never end up dating him" "FYI, That is none of your business of knowing who I like, Oliver is a great guy and i don't like it when people mess with him because if you mess with him, you mess with me" "Oh, what are you going to do about it?" "This" I then slapped him in the face really hard, he then said to me as he was holding his cheek "You are gong to pay for that" he then walked closer to me and I backed up before I heard behind me "Leave our sister alone" I then looked behind me and Fred and George were there, Marcus then laughed before he said to me "You have to have backup to help you out, don't you?, you won't be standing there once I mess with you, you-" Fred then steps in front of me blocking my view of Marcus before he said to him "I suggest you get out of here, Marcus before you find yourself in the hospital ward" "Ohh, I'm scared of you now Fred, ha no I'm not" George then said to him "Just go, Marcus and stop being a pity loser" "Why?, your sister cheated at catching the snitch, it should have been my team who won today, she is nothing and she will always be nothing" I then stepped forward in front of Fred really mad at Marcus, I then punched him and he lands to the ground, I then said to him in a really mad voice "GO!, GET OUT OF HERE MARCUS!" He then runs off scared of me and then I walked over to Oliver and I said to Fred and George "Can you guys help me out with getting him to the hospital wing?" "Alright" 

We took Oliver to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey helps us with getting him onto a bed, she then fixes him up before she says to us "He'll be awake sometime tonight or tomorrow, you can all go now, I'll look after him" I stared at Oliver as the twins walked off back to their dorm room to get changed out of the quidditch uniform before I walked off back to my dorm.

I went back to the hospital wing after I got changed, I sat down next to Oliver stoking his head before I squeezed his hand, everyone was now at dinner since it's dinner time but I wasn't hungry, all I cared about at the moment was Oliver.

A few hours later, Fred and George came in and Fred said to me "Hey Siobhan, we left dinner early to find you, how come you didn't come to dinner?" "Sorry, guys, I'm just not hungry for dinner tonight" I said to them not looking away from Oliver, George then said to Fred "She's in love with Oliver, Fred, you can tell that she loves him" "Yeah, he's a great guy to her, he'll treat her well" They then walked off back to their dorm room and I said to myself "They are so wrong, I don't love Oliver in that way" I then looked at Oliver again before I yawned, the quidditch match took a lot of my energy today, I then went to sleep.

Oliver's POV

I woke up in the hospital wing, it was the day after the match, I rubbed my head before I turned to the right of me and I saw Siobhan was asleep, I then said to her "Siobhan, wake up" "Hmm" She said as she woke up, she then looked at me before I said to her "What are you doing here?" "I came to stay with you, I was worried about you since what happened to you yesterday" "Ohh, that's uhh very nice of uhh you" "Why are you stuttering like that?" "I-I'm not stutter-stuttering" "Oliver, you are" "No, I wasn't" "Yes, you were" "No" "Yes" I then hugged her and she started to laugh as I tickled her, she then looked up at me and I looked at her before I said to her "I've been meaning to ask you something for a while" "Yeah, what is it?" "Well, you see I-" "Miss Weasley!, what are you doing here?, you should be getting ready for the day" Madam Pomfrey said to her, Siobhan then said to her "I was just visiting Oliver, Madam Pomfrey, he's woken up now but I best be on my way now" She then walks out and Madam Pomfrey said to me "That looked like a girlfriend visiting her boyfriend" "Oh no, Siobhan and I aren't dating each other" "That's a shame, you two would make a cute couple" "Madam Pomfrey!" "What?, you only get one soulmate in your life and I think that she is your soulmate" "How do you know that?" "By the looks you give her, you better start dating her before another guy snatches her up, you can go rest your dorm for the day" I then stood up and I thanked her before I went back to my dorm room for the day.

I laid on my bed thinking of the first time that Siobhan and I met....

*Flashback starts* 

Two years ago....

It was my first day as being a third year student at Hogwarts, i took my seat at Gryffindor table and I placed my hat on my head before the first years walked through the great hall following Professor Mcgonagall, one by one they got sorted into their houses, Professor McGonagall called out "Siobhan Weasley" A young girl with dark brown hair walked up to the hat and she sat on the stool before Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her head, the sorting hat then said "Hmm, another Weasley, let me see, I know just what to do with you, Gryffindor!" She then came over to our table, she was the first person to be placed into Gryffindor for this year, she sat down next to me saying "Siobhan Weasley" "Oliver Wood" We then shook hands before her brothers got sorted into Gryffindor as well.

*Flashback ends*

I sighed before I went to sleep for the day.

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