Chapter One

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often, in these types of situations, one would get overwhelmed, confused, and nervous.

And George was no different. 

He nervously tapped his fingertips on his desk, listening to the soft whir of his pc. His gaze flicked back and forth from the screen to his hand. A warm early summer breeze whisked through his window, which was slightly ajar to reveal the soft chirps of city birds as they fluttered about outside. The light from his computer was matched and outdone by the soft, warm glow of his lamp.

Why am I so nervous? This is dumb.

He sighed and sat up a bit straighter, opening up his messages and typing in a few words. He copied it, pasted it, and began to send it to all his closest friends. 

Quickly, George backed away from the computer, preparing himself for the chorus of message alerts he was about to punish his ears with. 

A small smile grew on his face, though, as he saw every single one's excited keyboard spam. Chuckling quietly to himself, he stood up and tossed his headphones to the side.

Next month was going to be the greatest month ever.


Or not. 

I sigh softly. 

One week.

I had one week to prepare, pack, and plan. 

How fun.

I slump backwards against the headboard on my bed, glaring at my phone as if it was its fault i had got myself into this situation. I tapped, maybe a little bit too aggressively, into the browser, and began the search.

I wouldn't be going on a plane yet, not until two weeks later. Which was a relief. Dream, Bad, Skeppy, and Sapnap would be flying to London, with tickets I would pay for. (Hopefully.) We'd meet up with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and anyone else I had invited- I'd made a list- At the airport. Then, I would have to book my friends a hotel- I sure as hell wasn't letting them all stay in my house- And then for the next two weeks we would be enjoying London and finally I'd be able to hang out with my friends- without headphones.

After that, the part I'd been dreading: The flight to America. A shaky breath escapes my lips even at the thought. I'd be going to New York, from London, with anyone who wished to come. The next two weeks would be spent in a shitty hotel there as well as the sights of the area. 

After that, everyone would go home. And it'd be over. 

My head snapped up as I hear a ding from my pc. 

I hesitantly rolled out of bed and slid into my chair, pulling my legs to my chest as I clicked into Discord. 





                                                ?? Wtf  why


You're busy aren't you

                                                  Yes I am actually 

gross actually doing something with your life?

ew coudknt be me

anyway, ts

I roll my eyes and click out of Discord, opening the Teamspeak.

And then I instantly regret it. 

Yells and loud laughter explodes my eardrums, and I instantly throw my headphones off with a squeak of utter shock and pain. 

Cautiously, once I can tell the sound has died down a little, I nervously put them back on.

"Um, hi? Are you guys- Like- Okay?" 

That gets me another explosion of giggles. Not quite so loud, but loud enough that I cringe a bit. 


"Hi, George." 

"Hello- What are you guys doing? Why is there so many of you?" 

Another chorus of gritty sound as everyone tries to explain at once. 


"Okay, okay, I'll tell him- Shut up, Tommy!- Basically, we want to help you pay for everything!" Dream says cheerfully.

I scoff. "Like hell you are. It's my idea, I don't want to force you to spend your money. I'll pay." I cross my arms, even though none of my friends can see.

"George, that's a lot of money! Two way flights for all of us? Multiple, for me, Sap, Bad, and Skeppy? Hell no. Not to mention hotel costs, food, attractions-" 

"Dream. I can handle it." 

"I know you can now, but that doesn't mean it'll go well for you in the long run. Plus, I'd feel bad. Do you want to make me cry, George?" 

Tommy snickers in the background. Sapnap lets out a mocking whimper. "Yeah, George, don't make Dream cry~" He whines.

I roll my eyes. "Stop it." 

"Stop it." They mock me in sync with terrible accents. At this point, I'm pretty sure my eyes could not go further back into my head.

I pull my legs closer with a sigh. "But-"

"No buts, George. I'm not letting you pay. Everyone's doing their part, that's final." Dream cuts me off. 

Tommy scoffs. "I'm fine with George paying." 

A chorus of angry 'Tommy!'s makes my head hurt. 

Tommy laughs. "I'm joking, relax." 

I giggle lightly. "No, no, I'll pay for Tommy." Just to annoy them.

"Do NOT-" 

I quickly take my headphones off before my headache gets any worse. A small smile makes its way onto my face nonetheless, and I lean back in my chair with a satisfied sigh. It's good to feel like my friends care. It's nice to know they do. 

Dream was right, anyway- I probably shouldn't pay for the whole thing. It's an expensive trip. That, or he's just a huge simp.

Or maybe both.

I shake my head, still laughing softly. Putting on my headphones for just a few more seconds, I voice my farewell and leave, spinning my chair around and slumping back against my pillows with a long exhale. 

It takes the rest of the day and long into the night to finish planning and paying for things (maybe a little more than we'd bargained for, but there's nothing to be done now), but talking to my friends for even that short amount of time gave me some motivation. 

And by the time the week ends, the night before my best friends in the world are coming to London, for me, I'm ready.

At least, as ready as one can be when sleep deprived from excitement. 

Word count: 1014 

And so chapter one comes to a close! This is kinda all over the place lmao, apologies for that

I hope you've enjoyed! I promise the next chapter's going to be more interesting 

Requests for cute moments, fun things, and whatever you'd like here (no angst for this story, and no smut for any stories, sorry guys ahah, and please keep requests here and here only. [CLOSED!] ): 

Any suggestions to improve my writing here: 

Have a wonderful day! <3 


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