Chapter Seven

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george didn't know how to feel. 

Of course, that was to be expected when you couldn't figure out why your face kept warming whenever you made eye contact with your friend, or you couldn't see why your heartbeat would quicken so drastically whenever you brushed shoulders.

And that was exactly the situation George was in. 

To be fair, George had liked Dream for a while. But it had never been this bad- He'd just occasionally decided he wouldn't mind kissing the blonde.

But now, it was a whole different story, and George was completely, utterly, lost.

He and his friends had ended up playing some kind of game of sorts. It was every person for themselves for the most part, save for the shaky alliances that had been made. In the end, Tommy and Tubbo had somehow won. 

Now, they lingered around the field, sitting and talking animatedly, kicking the ball passively, or just chasing one another. The grass lightly tickled the fingertips of people who sat, the sun gently warming the area. A soft summer breeze cooled the air slightly.

George lingered with Bad and Skeppy, and they were discussing and debating about the best meal. George had said breakfast, whilst Skeppy disagreed and Bad was more of a neutral party.  

George crossed his arms. "I'm telling you, Skep, breakfast is superior." He said, shaking his head.

Skeppy giggled. "Whatever, George, you keep on saying that." 

The brunet rolled his eyes, and glanced around. Eventually, his gaze found itself lingering on a particular blonde who wore a dull green shirt.

George sighed softly, blushing and burying his head in his hands.

Who the fuck gave Dream the right to be so pretty?


As it was beginning to get late, we were all starting to walk back to my apartment. Dream decided that he wanted to watch a movie with everyone, and I wanted to do that quickly so I didn't have to drive everyone to their hotels too late.

Although, I doubted it would go to plan. 

Bad and Skeppy are animatedly bickering beside me. I'm only half listening, really, too distracted by keeping myself from staring at Dream.

Which sounds both creepy and just weird. 

I exhale through my mouth in exasperation. Bad looks over at me.

"George, you alright?" He asks nervously, concern in his gaze.

I smile awkwardly. "Um, yeah, just... Thinking." I say, my voice going quiet towards the end. 

Bad pauses, then touches Skeppy's shoulder to get him to slow down. Once we're a fair distance from the others, he nods slightly. "Thinking about what?" 

I chuckle humorlessly. "You wanna know?" 

"I want to help, George, tell me." 



I run my fingers through my hair. "I've been thinking about Dream. You remember how I used to feel about him, Bad?" 

Bad hums softly, his gaze never leaving me. 

"Well, I've been thinking about that. A lot. And I don't know what to do." There's a sort of sarcastic humor in my voice, covering up my fear. But Bad can see through it. 

Skeppy bites his lip. I'm honestly surprised he didn't make a snarky comment, but grateful nonetheless. "So you're saying it got worse, I assume.. and you don't know if you should act on it, or try and make the feelings go away?" 

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