Chapter Two

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in many cases, someone like Dream would have no issue with this whole ordeal.

It seemed simple, really, when he had originally agreed. Two weeks in London, touring the area for the first time. Then, fly back to America and visit New York for another two weeks. Two beautiful cities. And he'd get to spend it all with his best friends. 

But naturally, as many things go, he was beyond nervous. Dream hadn't expected the butterflies in his stomach that gradually multiplied the closer and closer the date he'd be leaving came, nor did he expect so many thoughts and emotions to bombard him so drastically at once. 

George had just left the Teamspeak, and now that he was gone, others were filtering out. He lounged in his chair, listening to the sound of people laughing, joking, then soon enough the robotic voice that informed him they had left.

Soft morning light flickered from in between the curtains, casting a hazy glow on the room. The occasional sound of a car driving by or a dog barking breaks the serene silence. Dream smiles lightly, taking a moment to close his eyes and calm his consistently backflipping stomach. 

Another notification from Teamspeak, Tommy just left.

It was just Dream and Sapnap now.

"You excited, Dream?" Sapnap's voice broke the quiet. The blonde's eyes flutter open.

"Yeah. Nervous, though." He mumbles. 

"Yeah, I gotcha. George hasn't seen your face yet, right?"

"Right." A soft sigh escapes Dream's lips, giving away his nerves. 

Sapnap catches on easily, quick to reassure his friend. "Hey, it's okay. You've got this- They're your friends. If they can't accept you for what you look like, they don't deserve you."

Dream smiles. 

It's a real, genuine smile. One that isn't forced. The kind of smile that lights up a person's face, making the edges of their eyelids crinkle slightly, the kind that makes their irises sparkle with pure happiness. 

No one can see it, but it's there.

And that's enough.


One day before my flight is scheduled to leave, I'm on a call with one of my best friends, and one of the few people that have actually seen my face.

And I'm a complete, elegant, mess. 

"Sapnap I don't know what to do! What if something happens? What if I'm late and they leave without me? What if-" My words spill out uncontrollably as I blurt whatever comes to mind.

"Dream I swear to god, you'll be fine. You've known these people for years, they aren't just going to leave you because- What did you say?- your plane is late! You need to relax, it's a vacation. One you didn't even have to plan! It's going to be fun." I can see Sapnap's eye roll even without a video call. 

"But- George- I- We-" I can no longer make proper sentences, instead stringing together random words I can manage to grab from my desperate laser thoughts. 

"Dream. Hey. Listen to me." 

I clamp my mouth shut. 

"George doesn't care what you look like. He loves you no matter what, you're his best friend! There's no way in hell he'd leave you behind for such a small thing." Sapnap says. He's dead serious, I can tell. 

"But- I- Sapnap, you know what I mean!" I collapse backwards into my chair with a groan, running my fingers through my hair nervously. 

"I was getting to that. Like I said, he loves you no matter what. Even if he doesn't reciprocate your feelings. George isn't the type of person to let those things get in the way. But honestly? I don't think the way you looked would even faze him. You're not bad looking at all. And! I think- And this is just a hunch- But I think he might genuinely like you back." He says, every so often pausing as if choosing his words carefully to get his point across. 

I swallow hard. "Yeah?" My voice wavers with an overwhelming amount of hope and fear.


"Thanks, Sap. You're a really good friend, you know that?"

"Aw, you're making me blush." I can hear his smile through the audio.

"Shut up. I love you, idiot." 

"Love you too. Later, loser." 

I hear the click of a keyboard, and then it's just me in the call. I close out Teamspeak and let my pc sleep. 

I'd already packed most of my stuff, it was just a few last minute things that I needed. My gaze flicks over to my bed anyway. The place where I'd much rather be right now. 

Sighing softly, I tear my eyes away from the soft blankets and pillows, crossing the room to my open suitcases. For the next hour or so, I briskly hurry about my apartment, tossing whatever I find necessary inside. 

By the time I'd finished procrastinating, packing, and then procrastinating again, it's near noon, and I'm hungry. I make my way slowly to the kitchen, grabbing my phone off the table and hoping for the best. 

Scrolling through Twitter proves itself to be unnecessary, though, so with a defeated sigh, I slide into a chair and eat whatever I find first. Simple, easy. YouTube is used as white noise in the background whilst I lose myself in my thoughts, which probably wasn't the best idea- Not that I have anything else to do. 

So I find myself going through each and every outcome of this situation I've put myself in, each one ending worse than the last. Getting lost in the airport, flight being so delayed I don't make it, my friends being distant, getting ignored, being left behind completely.

When I get to an outcome where some alien monster starts chasing us, however, I stop thinking about the trip and return to my setup.

The next few hours are spent editing, coding, freaking out, and then freaking out some more. I watch as the time on my clock slowly ticks by, bringing me closer and closer to the most exciting, and exhilarating, yet probably most terrifying experience of my life. 

Word count: 1007 

Some good nervous Dream content and a littleee bit of our first dnf hint 

Anyways these two chapters were kind of like the prologue-y bit? The chapters will hopefully get longer and more exciting

Also this whole book is sort of just a mash up of cute oneshots that connect, there's no like hidden story it's literally just 'Dream and George and friends go on trip. They do stuff. Dream and George fall in love. The end.' Lmao I swear I'll write more interesting things if y'all ever want me to <3 

Suggestions to improve here: 

Have a wonderful day!


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