Part 8

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Dracos POV

" WHAT!"

Tears formed on my face as i ran down to the infirmary as fast as I possibly could. I passed students and teachers all while running at the speed of light. I bust through the infirmary doors, probably giving Pomfrey quite a shock. I frantically looked around the room when I finally spotted him.

He looked pale and sickly. His face was sunken in and he looked so drained. He looked like he was just sucked by a dementor.

" harry." I whispered quietly so i dont startle him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. Green eyes met grey ones and i felt my heart stop.

" dray..."

It was faint, but i could still hear it so clearly. He reached for my hand and grasped it tight and smiled.

" you're here." He breathed out. His voice was small and coarse. I felt my breath hitch and i could barely move.

" w-what...." I closed my eyes and took a moment.

" w-what happened?"

He looked at me with a sad look and looked up at the ceiling.

" i have hanahaki. A disease born from unrequited love or rejection. Im in my final stages." He whispered so quietly, like if he said it any louder his voice would shatter.

Tears fell down my face. I could see harry had tears too.

" h-how long do you have l-left?"

I didnt want to know the answer. I couldn't bare the thought of a world without harry. But i knew that if i didnt ask, i would regret it for the rest of my life.

He took in a sharp breath and looked at me with sad eyes. I had never seen his green eyes so dull.

" 1 week."

And just like that, i felt my whole world shatter. My heart sank to the floor. I let out shuddered breaths and my hand came up to my mouth. I tried to stop the sobs but i couldn't. My eyes were wide in shock and a little bit of rage.

Eventually i closed my eyes and put my head down. I grabbed Harry's hand tight, never letting go. He didnt even look at me. He adverted his eyes down to his lap and stared at it.

" who is it?"

" does it matter?"

The crack in his voice broke my heart. I shut my eyes as tight as i can and tightened my grip on his hand. He tightened it too.

" im sorry." Was all i could whisper. We sat in silence for what felt like forever until Harry eventually drifted off to sleep. I watched his chest rise and fall as he took steady breaths . I reached up and placed a kiss on his forehead.

" if only you knew how much you mattered to me."

My chest constricted. The pain didnt subside and i fell back in the chair i was sitting in. Soon, i fell asleep too.


I woke up to the sun shining in my face. The curtains were pulled back a little and a beam of light was passing through.

" morning."

I whipped my head around towards the voice. It was harry. His eyes were red and puffy but he was still smiling.

" morning"

I said back with a painted smile. The thoughts in my head still werent clear and i didnt want to think too much of it.

" why are you here?"

He asked me quietly. Why was i here? I must've fallen asleep.

" i fell asleep here after you did. Guess you didnt want to let go."

I gestured towards out entangled hands. He blushed and jerked his hand back but i grabbed onto it. He looked up at me in surprise but i just kept a straight face, tracing circles on the back of his hand.

" dont you have classes?"

" its saturday."

" oh."

He looked down at his lap. I stared at him for a bit. The boy i had liked for so long was dying, because he liked someone else. No, not liked...


I studied his facial features. Even when sickly, he still looked beautiful to me.

" you dont have to stay"

He fidgeted with his blanket. I smiled.

" no. I dont. But i want to."

We sat in comfortable silence as harry smoothed out his sheets, constantly blushing the entire time.

Thats when it started. The coughing. Harry started hacking up petals and blood. I quickly went to Pomfrey's station and grabbed a clean bucket. I held it to Harry's mouth as the petals fell in and rubbed circles in his back to soothe him.

Eventually it stopped and he motioned to the potion beside his bed. I quickly grabbed it, uncorking it and helping harry drink it. He must have felt better because he immediately sighed in relieve after.

When he was finally relaxed, i looked down at the bucket. I examined the flowers, narcissus flowers. They were covered in blood but i realized it wasn't only just petals but also leaves and bits of stem too. I grimaced at the thought of having flower stems up your throat. I put the bucket in the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth. I wet it slightly and sat down on harrys bed, wiping his mouth of the blood.

" thank you."

" for what?"

" being here. Even when you dont need fo. Thanks for being alive i guess." Harry said nervously, going back to fidgeting.

I smiled fondly at him and continued wiping his face.

" of course. Anything for you."

" anything?"

" anything"

Harry paused. He looked down and then back up at me.

" then can you...... spend the night again?"

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