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The morning I woke up after ‚it' happened, felt kinda strange

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The morning I woke up after ‚it' happened, felt kinda strange. Fred was still asleep, his snoring slightly annoyed the hell out of me. His head was laying on my bare chest, while I was stroking threw this hair.
I loved his hair, it always looked so special and it felt super soft. Sometimes it was just a impulse that crossed my mind, almost forcing my hands to touch his hair.

But the fact that him and I slept together last night, didn't leave me alone, even though we aren't officially dating. What does that say about me?

I don't want to be a slut- or to get called a slut. The fact that we are just not officially dating, doesn't mean that it's not a serious thing. Isn't it? My head was killing me with questions and doubt.
But I couldn't think of anything else-
Once I took a look at him and his naked self I thought of what we did. His whole back was scratched and his skin was slightly bruised at this neck. Compared to my hickeys it was nothing. Fred really exaggerated. My chest was covered in red marks and even some parts of my neck.
Fortunately I could cover them with my hair, since it was only underneath my ear and the school uniform would do a great job in covering the rest.

I wouldn't be happy about rumours.
We aren't just a rumor- but I don't like it when people talk about me. I always preferred to stay hidden and unknown.

„Take good care of her Fred" Molly said after hugging both of us in goodbye. She really was the sweetest person I know. Mrs Weasley was a great mother and great company, I loved talking to her. Hopefully I'll see her soon.

„Don't worry mom, I'm always taking care of Haven" Fred replied, after that pulled me closer by hugging my waist. He kissed my hairline, making me smile even more.

„Do you feel ready to apperate?" He asked, now facing me. „I do" I said, taking hold of his hand.
Feeling the world spin around me was the worst thing about apparition. The feeling ended a few minutes before I turned to face the buildings of Hogsmeade.

„I want to take you out for lunch, before we head to Hogwarts again and barely have time for each other." Fred said, as he saw the confused expression on my face. I wasn't happy about the fact that he will graduate soon. ‚We' would go on like normal- don't we?

„I would love to go for lunch with you Mr. Weasley" I grinned, happy about his cute gesture. Looking forward to spending much time with him before he leave Hogwarts.

Fred pulled me close to place a soft kiss on lips, before he let go of my waist, to reached for my hand. We finally walked hand in hand to a cafe, his thumb softly stroking over my hand.

As I returned to the Slytherin common room, I instantly searched for Crell. But before I could find her she found me.
„Haven" she shouted from across the room, standing up from one of the couches and running in my direction.

She pulled me in a tight hug, almost stopping me from breathing.
„Crell" I stumbled under her grip, „I missed you"
She didn't even bother to answer me, she softly pushed me away, minding her own business. She seemed deadly worried, acting like I came back from the dead. Crell cupped my face in der hands, „Are you okey?" she asked, „how's your head?"
Stroking my hair behind my ear, inspecting the rest of my wound. Wich actually healed very quickly.

I slowly nodded, beginning to smile because of her actions.
„That's not funny Haven" she smiled with a evil grin, „I was more than worried as you were unconscious. I almost slapped Fred for bringing you back like this"

„But-" I tried to say, but she interrupted me quickly.
„I know Haven. It's not your loverboy's fault"
She said grinning.

I smacked her arm and told her to come with me to our dorm.
„I have so much to tell you"

„Haven- you two did what?" she almost screamed. I was sure that everyone in the common room heard it, because of her impulsive, loud voice.
She was starring at all the lovebites I showed her, still not believing what I just told her.

742 words

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the boy I never knew | Fred Weasley ffWhere stories live. Discover now