46. Whose Plan?

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The redhead turned to find Silver smiling at him. She'd disappeared the last few days and had seemed really sick before, but the time off looked to have really helped. She was so much healthier now. "Yeah?"

"Can I get your help with something?"

Always willing to help a friend, Kirishima grinned brighter than the summer sun high on cocaine. "Sure, what do you need?"

Not long later, Lucy came skipping into the 2-A classroom with a giddy smile on her face. "Hey Silly Sil, gotta borrow you!" Sometimes it was hard to believe that Silver and Lucy were in fact the same age.

Silver stood slowly, glad to finally be getting out of there. She followed Lucy's hoppidy and happy-dappy self through the corridors and into Nezu's office.

This was one of those moments in Silver's life where everyone staring at her was not just some form of paranoia. especially as Lucy took a seat to join in on the staring. Silver was pretty glad the room was reasonably large or having so many people stuck in here would be very little fun. Aizawa and Yamada were both here, along with Nezu, Keenan and Lucy. Even Snipe was along for the ride, so it seemed.

"Alright. What's up?"

Nezu ended up being the one to explain after a nervous pause. He explained swiftly and clearly, as efficient as a man/bear/mouse could be. Silver waited for a punchline, a simple 'Only joking'. It never came.

"Wait just one moment," she began, struggling to accept what she was hearing. "I know I've missed... all of these meetings-" And that was entirely on her, she was completely willing to admit that- "but, you're telling me the only way to take down these people the right way— which revolves around evidence— means illegally breaking into the most secure vault in the country?"

"Yes sirree!" Lucy chirped.

"And you guys are ok with that?" Silver questioned, watching the four heroes in the room with suspicion.

The heroes either shrugged or— in Nezu's case— nodded happily. Silver pinched her arm; no, she was wide awake.

"But, we think we might have a super easy way to get right into that vault without any trouble whatsoever." Lucy was energetic as ever.

Trying to push past all of her doubt, Silver failed to stop eyeing the heroes. She half expected one of them to tell her this was all a stupid prank. They must've been really struggling if this was all they could come up with. She should probably have stayed in those meetings rather than letting everyone else make the decisions. "I'm listening."

"We think the code is in your head."

Silver frowned, patiently awaiting Lucy's full explanation of what on earth she was saying.

"Do you remember when Big Cat Lady got you so close to being taken from the team that they removed you from the rest of us?" Keenan asked, not willing to beat around the bush despite knowing this wasn't a topic Silver liked much.

"Obviously, I would recall the closest that woman ever got to killing me." Silver kept her voice stable and most of the room's occupants could've sworn they felt the temperature drop a few degrees.

"You remember going through a computer room," Keenan prompted, "before-"

"Don't need the detail, I remember." Silver didn't need everyone in the room knowing what happened.

"Gonna need the detail I'm afraid," Lucy muttered with an apologetic wince. "Think of the computer room and focus on the computer on the far right, furthest away when you look through the door you entered through."

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