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3rd person POV

It was a damp dreary morning and Arthur was slouching against the brick wall smoking outside of his workplace with Gary.

"It's never going to get better is it!" Gary interrupted, "Have you heard about these super rats?"

"Oh yeah," Arthur muttered.

"Crazy isn't it!"

"Yeah," Arthur agreed, taking a deep drag and exhaling the smoke in the air watching it disappear, "What time is it just now?"

"Um....just coming up to eleven," he replied, checking his watch.

Arthur straightened his posture and looked to his left to find y/n walking out behind the corner of the building.

"Perfect timing!" he smiled.


"Nothing, I didn't say anything," he mumbled.

He flicked his cigarette and stomped it out. Then started approaching towards y/n.

"Hey y/n!" he said walking back up the pavement with her.

"Hi Arthur, nice to see you again," she smiled brightly.

"So you got any plans for today or do you have any news to share?"

"Not really, just the same as always. How about you?"

"Nothing much," he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh okay, oh hi Gary!"

"Hello y/n, nice day isn't it!" he said sarcastically.

"Yeah, it's beautiful," she sighed, "Right I'm gonna go in and give Hoyt his lunch then."

"Okay," they said.

Y/n opened the front door and went upstairs. Arthur and Gary followed in after her and went to the locker room and started getting ready for their afternoon gig.

"So that's what you get up to every morning!" Gary spoke.

"What do you mean? You know how annoying the guys are in here. That's why I go outside in the morning."

"I'm not talking about that Arthur," he said raising his eyebrows.

"Then what are you talking about?"





"Y/N, you talking to her every morning trying to impress her. Now I know the real reason you stand outside every morning, you like her," he chuckled, "oh Artie has got a little crush on y/n, you sly little son of a bitch you!"

"Y-you don't know what you're talking about."

"Arthur it's obvious you like her."

"I do not okay, we're just friends."

"Yeah but I bet you would like to be more than that."

"Stop Gary," he moaned, "Besides you know that she wouldn't want me, all ladies think I'm a freak."

"Not this lady. You could try ask her, who knows, maybe she'll really like you, you can't hide your feelings in forever or else for the rest of your life your mind will just be filled with regret! Just be confident okay!"

Arthur sighed and smiled. He knew this was a bad idea but Gary wasn't lying, "Thanks for the advice, I'll think about it."

"No problem. Oh look there's y/n!" Gary shouted pointing at the door.

"WHERE!" Arthur shrieked, falling backwards.


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