Country Ship Children Visit PART 1.1

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Russia: He was on the couch with Ame in his arms.

Ame: He was sitting in Russia's lap as he clung onto his shirt.

Russia: He kisses his cheek before cupping his face. "You alright love?"

Ame: He blushes a tiny bit before nodding. "Sorry love... Just tired..."

Russia: "Then why don't you go to sleep then?" He gently removes Ame's sunglasses and places them onto the table beside them.

Ame: He smiles softly as he leans his head onto his chest. "Alright..." He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Russia: He hugged him tightly. You really need to get more sleep America... Leave the states to us for a bit...

Canada: He was sitting on North's chest. He giggles cutely as North's red face.

North: He was blushing a lot. "C-Canada... I love you but now really isn't the time love..."

Canada: He giggles more. "Nope! You've been working long enough North!!"

North: "B-But! I need to finish it before the deadline!!"

Canada: He pouts before resting his entire body weight onto North. "The deadline is two months from now love!!"

North: He blushes more before sighing. "Fine..." He quickly wraps his arms around Canada's back and waist before pulling him into a kiss.

Canada: He blushes a lot and kisses back. He holds onto North's shoulder, so he doesn't fall over.

Indo: He had his arms wrapped tightly around Philip and Mal.

Philip: He was blushing. "I-Indo! C-Come on already!!"

Mal: He was also blushing because Indo's arm had lifted up his shirt a bit so he could rest his hand onto his stomach. "I-Indo..."

Indo: He smiles as he kisses their cheeks. "Mine!"

Mal: He blushes more. "W-We get it! We know not to challenge alpha already!!"

Philip: He giggles quietly at his boyfriends actions to each other.

Mal: He looks at Philip before cupping his cheek. "What are you giggling about cutie??"

Philip: He giggles more. "You two!"

Indo: He buries his face into Philip's neck and nuzzles him a lot. "Aw!~~ Don't think that we forgot about you sunshine!!~~~"

Mal: He moves to sit on Philip's lap and kisses his lips.

Philip: He blushes a lot more before kissing back. He holds onto Mal's hand and use the other one to play with Indo's hair.

Mabel: "I want to see more babies!!!"

Bill: "What do you want me to do?!?! I can't just magically make babies appear out of thin air!!!"

Mabel: "Then use your stupid demon powers and take the future kids of the countries and bring them here!!!"

Bill: "That goes against all laws of nature and a bunch of other things!!!"

Dipper: "Just do it Bill!! She won't stop until she sees them..."

Bill: "FINE!! If I get in trouble, I'm blaming you two!!!" He snaps his fingers, and a portal opens.

Bill grabs a bunch of the countries' future children and brings them to the present. He then teleports them all to their parents.



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