My Version of When the Countries' Parents Come to Visit PART 1

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If you want me to add the other part of this one to the story I will need to see if River is alright with that first. I am only uploading this part because I was tired of seeing it in the pages of the word document and wanted to use it so it wasnt a wasted effort/time.

BanI: He was hacking some websites on his computer when he gets a strange message.

Error: Unknown files have been sent to your device!!

BanI: "The hell?"

Orion: He was hugging BanI from behind with his chin resting on his shoulder. "Something wrong bunny?"

BanI: "I don't know? Hang on let me see what was sent to my computer..." He clicks on the files.

After clicking on the document, a portal opens, and multiple countries pass through it.

BanI: "The fuck just happened?!"

A.H: He is basically blind qnq. "PreuBen was ist passiert? " (Prussia, what happened?)

Prussia: He gently takes A.H's hand. "Eine Art Portal offnete sich und wir wurden teleportiert..." (Some kind of portal opened, and we got teleported...)

Orion: He hides behind BanI. "B-Bunny... Who are they?..."

BanI: "Orion, I need you to get UN, NATO, EU, and Asean..."

Orion: "W-Why?"

BanI: "Now."

Orion: He's a bit scared. He runs off to get them.

S.E: "Quien diablos me trajo aqui?!?! " (Who the hell brought me here?!?!)

BanI: "Calm the fuck down ya bastard!!!"

Perla: She giggles a bit.

S.E: He growls. "And who the fuck are you supposed to be..."

BanI: "The name's BanI bitch!!"

UN, NATO, EU, and Asean run into the room.

NATO: "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me..."

Rome: "Ubi meus es tu militibus?! Ubi est mihi in filium?!?! " (Where are my warriors?! Where is my son?!?!)

UN: "Please remain calm Roman Empire. Rest assured your son is alright..."

Asean: "However it seems that the old countries and empires have somehow been transported from the past into the present..."

Kati: "Kayo, tayo ay sa hinaharao?" (So, we are in the future?)

EU: "In other words yes."

BanI: "Do you guys want me to get the others?"

UN: "That would be preferred, please do so BanI."

BanI leaves to get the others.

Perla: "Excuse me!"

UN: "Yes Perla?"

Perla: "Are... Are my sons here?"

UN: He smiles softly. "Yes, they are. I am also happy to inform you of their independence of the Spanish Empire."

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