The arrival

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I walk up the steps to Gerards house, I hesitantly knock on the door. A few seconds later a familiar face opens the door "sup Gee!" I say excited. "Heyo! Come in the boys are in the basement" Gerard ushers me down to his basement.

The floor is littered with rugs and blankets, the black walls are covered in countless band posters, christmas lights hang from the ceiling, and there are a bunch of cursed items. My eyes fall to who inhabits the room; there's a boy with brown hair and glasses, a boy with a fluffy afro, and the familiar frank.

Gerard points and the boy with glasses "That's my brother Mikey" Mikey smiles and waves at me, god he's a cinnamon roll.

Gerard then turns his attention to the boy with the afro "That is Ray" Ray gives me finger guns before going back to tuning his guitar.

I look over at Frank whom of which is buried in his phone, he looks up at me and winks before going back to texting. I wanna put my fist in his shit eating face so badly, Gerard seems to notice that I don't like him since he's looking down at me concerned. "You look like you're about to beat the shit out of someone, you want something to drink sugar?" I nod and Gerard tosses me a can of my favorite monster, I crack open the can and sit down by Mikey. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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