After The Ball

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3rd POV

Niall, Louis, and Zayn raced out the gym and into Zayn's car. Louis sat in the passenger seat while Niall in the driver's and Zayn in the back. They were just driving through the neighborhood really slowly. "Niall! Can you drive faster? I need to be back at the diner before Caroline and my brothers!" Louis shouted at his best friend.

"Lou, I'm trying hard as I can. We have plenty of time. Nothing to worry about." Niall tried to calm his friend.

"I will calm down when I get to the diner on time!"

"By the way, who was that you were dancing with? You two need to dance more together." Zayn asked.

"Harry Styles." Louis murmured.

"Harry Styles?! You mean, the Harry Styles you have a crush since 1st grade?!" Niall shouted. Louis nodded. "Dude that's amazing!"

"Yeah, yeah, he danced with Harry, but he didn't danced with CatLover." Zayn pointed out.

"Funny story, I did." Louis laughed nervously.

"Wait! What?! Harry is CatLover?!" Zayn yelled. Louis nodded and smiled. "Lou! That's awesome!"

"Yeah I know but I need to get to the diner now!" Louis sighed because he's so nervous about not being able to beat his brothers and stepmother. He felt around in his jacket trying to find his phone. "Wait where's my phone? I swear I had it with me." Louis thought for a moment. "Oh no. I probably dropped it when I was grabbing you guys. Anyway we just need to get to the diner." Louis groaned.

"We will be there soon." The car all the sudden started to make weird noises. "After this quick stop." Niall mumbled turning into the curb.

"Ugh! You gotta be kidding me!" Louis hopped out the car and took off the heels and started to run.

"Lou! It's no use! You won't make it!" Niall shouted.

"Oh yes I will! Watch me!" Louis shouted back.

"He's crazy." Niall said.

"Yup." Zayn nodded.

On the other side of the town is Caroline, Ashton, and Justin driving back to the diner because Justin thought "something was wrong."

"Mum can you please drive faster? I have a feeling that Louis isn't at the diner." Justin complained.

"Justin, I love you but I'm going as fast as I can."

"Okay mum." Justin sighed as Caroline turned onto the street of the diner.

Back at the diner Louis raced in and back into the kitchen. "Lou! You're back! Early?" Paul wondered.

Louis nodded. "Caroline said she'll be back at midnight and it's 1 minute till midnight." He said trying to pulled on the uniform.

"Lou! They're here!" Martha yelled.

"Distract them!" Louis yelled back and ended up slipping on the wet floor shrieking. Then got the idea of putting flour and milkshake on the apron and his face. Then put on the cap.

"Caroline! Justin! Ashton! You're back! Everything went smoothly tonight. Decent amount of customers and food coming in and out." Martha tried to block Caroline to go in the kitchen.

"Where's Louis?" Justin asked.

"He's in the kitchen doing something." Paul said.

"Well can we see him? It's important." Caroline said seriously.

"Well, he will come out soon."

"Get out of my way I just want to-"


"One blueberry, strawberry milkshake. Oh hi Caroline, Justin, Ashton! Paul taught me how to make these. You should try it." Louis dinged the bell.

"You look like a girl from the dance. Were you there?" Justin asked and looked at him closely.

"Why you ask? I've been here the entire time." Louis laughed nervously.

"No reason. I'm going to bed night mum."

"Me too. Lock up Martha." Caroline said.

"Yes ma'am." When Caroline and Justin walk upstairs to the apartment Louis sighed and looked down at the dress that he's still wearing.

"Nice tango Lou." Ashton said.

"Wait, what?! You knew it was me?!" Louis turned back around and looked at Ashton in shock.

"Yeah... I see you dancing around and you're really good. Don't worry I won't tell anyone." Ashton said smiling.

Louis ran out not caring that he's still in the dress and hugged Ashton. "Thank you Ashton! You're the best!"

"Yeah. Yeah I know. Now get out of that dress before Caroline or Justin catches you." Louis nodded and raced upstairs to take off the dress and go to bed.

Meanwhile back at the school Harry was still in shock and confused. He looked at the phone the mysterious guy dropped and checked it out and saw his text he sent to SwagMaster. Liam came up to him patting his back. "Hey man, whatcha got there and who was that girl you were dancing with? You guys rocked the dance floor!"

"This? This is the phone of my dance partner. And 'she' isn't a she. She was a he and this is... SwagMaster's phone." Liam looked at me and pointed at the phone and Harry nodded.

"How?!" He asked.

"He dropped it when was grabbing his friends."

"He's blonde friend is cute." Harry looked at him confused. "What? He is!"

"I'm gonna find this 'SwagMaster' guy if it's the last thing I do." Harry said determined and Liam laughed at his best mate.

"Yeah good luck with that mate, anyway I gotta go, parents want me home by twelve thirty. See ya." Liam and Harry did their signature handshake and Liam left.

"I will find you, even if it will take me months." Harry said to himself looking at SwagMaster's/Louis' phone.

HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You haven't heard me in forever and like I always say, come on say it with me: "I am busy and I am sorry!" Well done, I know I suck at updates but you guys get writer's block too! I'm not wrong. Every time I see an update I hope it's a new chapter then when you open it, it's just an author's note. It sucks doesn't it? BUTTTT! I updated a part instead of a Author's Note. Of course I put author's note at the end or beginning of a part but that's a different story. Can I just ask? How funny is Harry in this gif on the side or on top? It's so funny!!! And imagine him doing that finding out that he found SwagMaster's or Louis' phone. Anyway I hope you're having an amazing day/night where ever you are and I want all of you to smile and (Optional) leave a question about my life you want to know, like, what made you a Larry shipper? Or what was you first album? Something like that... so keep smiling and love life!!!!!! BTW!!! Thanks for the votes!!!!!

Okay keep smiling and see you in HSM or Prince and the Frog!!!!!!


Ali Xx :)

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