1: Star Platinum vs. Killer Queen the rematch! wait, is it a prequel?

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I sighed and carried Kakyoin home, not noticing the teen in a sailor uniform walking in.

I got out of the window, when I heard a voice.

"Mooom? I'm here for that blood clot you called me for. Helloooo? Tch. Killer Queen."

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, before setting down Kakyoin and looking inside.

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, before setting down Kakyoin and looking inside

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Tch, nothing to see there. Just Y/n doing his shift, thanks to his amazing medical abilities. I was going to turn and leave, when I recall him saying something. I looked back, and noticed a stand inside with him.

I was about to take action, until he yawned and sighed to himself.

"Sheesh. Whoever this was didn't even have the decency to clean up. Must have been a real delinquent. Tch, probably that Kujo girl. She could make my job a little easier."

Okay, getting a little offended now.

"Ugh. Yo, Killer Queen, want anything to eat? I was gonna stop by Taco Bell. Well, you knew that."

Half expecting a real reply, or a sound like Ora, the response made jump.

I sighed, grabbed Kakyoin, and went home. When I arrived, and removed the flesh bud, I explained the situation to my gramps and the others.

"No way! So you're trying to tell me that Y/n Kira has a stand!?"


"The same Y/n Kira that Holly told me you had a-"


"Understood, shutting up now."

"Anyway, my plan is to go back to the school tomorrow, and face him, and try to conivnce him to show me his stand."

"How do you plan to do that."

"Taking advantage of everyone having a massive crush on me."

The next day

I was walking with Kakyoin, and he stopped.

"Alright Jojo, my class is this way. Be careful, and good luck."

I nodded and walked to class, where I saw everyone sitting, and Y/n in the very back, inspecting his fingers. I walked to the back and sat by him.

He turned to me, and made a surprised noise before returning his attention to his hand. Oh god, this is the worst.

"Y/n, I have something I want to talk to you about later."

"Sure thing, I'll be out around 4:30 ish."

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