7; Y/n laughs at an Old Guy for not laughing at a rock

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I followed Joseph and the others into the dealership, and watched as the Old man spent all his money on an expensive car.

"Mr. Joestar, why get that car, you should have gotten an offroad vehicle!"

"Joseph, what are you planning?"

"You'll see."

We got to some random dude with camels, and Joseph gave him the car for the camels and water. I sighed and watched as Joseph tried to teach us how to get on a camel, while Star Platinum continued playing with my hair. He finally got on it, and I sighed before easily getting on mine, causing Joseph to just stare at me.

"What? Watching you fail over twenty times helped me know what not to do."

He groaned and the others got on their camels. We started our trip, and they decided we'll stop when the sun goes down. Wait a second, what the hell is going on with the sun?

"Yo, Kakyoin what time is it?"

"It's- Huh!?"

"What's the time?"

"It's past eight p.m. already!"

"Yeah, my watch says so too."


"....It's not that serious. Two close range stands, two ranged stands, and an all around stand are working with you against that one enemy."

It started getting hotter, but then the sun started shooting fireballs at us. Kakyoin tried to stop it, but it barely had any effect.

"Everyone get down!"

Joan punched a hole in the ground under a rock and they hid, but I want to test one of my abilities.


"What the-?"

A bubble came out of my star birthmark, and hit the fireball, leaving nothing behind, only for it to impact another, making a large explosion.


After a while, Kakyoin started laughing, and I looked over, and cracked up. After a while, everyone joined except for Joseph, until Joan pointed it out. She picked up a rock and gave me a look, causing me to nod and move over to her.

However, due to the enclosed space, I was pressed up behind her, so she could still throw the rock. This resulted in a blush from her, an awkward look from Avdol, Polnareff, and Kakyoin, and a slightly angered look from Joseph.

I tapped the rock, and then I used my Soft and Wet ability to take away the weight, and put it in the rock covering us.

"Throw away."

She nodded, and Star Platinum took it, and roared, throwing it. It zoomed straight through the mirror, and knocked the guy behind it out of his seat.

Y/n scoffed and kicked the unconcious man, before our journey continued.

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