The Truth, The Ninja, and Party for 6.

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"Wait. Did you just say you have only heard 2 of our songs?" Liam asked shocked.

"Uh yeah. I have had a lot going on. I didn't have time." I told them.

"Why? What happened?" Niall asked concerned.

"Uh my parents they uh died." I said sadly.

"H-how did they die?" Louis asked.

"They uh went missing two years ago. And I found out last week that they were killed." I said crying. Liam pulled me into a hug and let me cry into his chest. Everyone was silent while I cried. After I calmed down and looked at everyone, I noticed that Niall and Louis had tears on their faces and Harry and Zayn had sad expressions on theirs.

"I-I'm so sorry." Louis said. I sent him a small smile and wiped my tears.

"Did they catch the stupid cunt?" Niall asked. I laughed at his words and nodded.

"Yeah they did." I said. They all nodded and looked at each other smiling.

"We shall cheer you up." Harry said smirking.

"How are you going to do that?" I asked.

"We are going to have a party. Just for us." He said. I slowly nodded, unsure if its a good idea.

"Don't worry. It's only going to be you, the boys, and me!!!" He said enthusiasticly. I laughed and nodded.

"Sounds like fun!" I said. Everyone agreed and we all stood up.

"I will get the food!" Niall yelled heading to the kitchen. "Don't eat it all on the way!" Zayn yelled. I chuckled softly and shook my head.

"I will put on some music!" Louis yelled. He ran of like a madman and I sat down on the couch.

These boys are too much!

Liam sat next to me and swung his arm around my shoulders. I turned to him and smiled. He smiled back and we turned towards the kitchen where Niall was screaming.

"Harry Styles! Give me back my crisps!!!" Niall yelled. I laughed and went to go save the poor Irish boy. I got in the kitchen and saw Harry standing on the counter eating a bag of chips mockingly in front of Niall.

"Aw poor Nialler. It's ok I'll save you!" I screamed putting my hands on my hips and stuck my chest out. In other words, I did the superman pose. Harry looked at me and burst out laughing.

"Lou! This girl really is meant for you!" He yelled. I rolled ny eyes and jumped up in to the counter next to him.

"Holy shit! She is a fucking ninja!" Niall yelled. I smiled down at him and grabbed the chips from Harry.

"Thanks Harry!" I said while smiling innocently. He just stood there shocked. I shrugged and jumped off the counter. I took a chip out of the bag and popped it into my mouth while handing the bag to Niall.

I jumped on his back and screamed, "Onward my noble stead!" He chuckled and ran into the living room.

"I'm about to pull an awesome stunt. All you have to do is duck when I put my hands on your shoulders." I whispered in Niall's ear. He nodded and I got ready.

I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed myself up when he ducked. I jumped in the air and did a front flip. When my hands touched the ground I did a round off and landed it perfectly.

I smiled and turned to the boys whose eyes are all on me. Niall started clapping and screaming. I laughed and hugged him.

"That was awesome. Where did you learn that?" He asked.

"I did two years of gymnastics and my brother helped me put it all together." I said shrugging. Everyone was back to normal by now and I just noticed the song playing.

"Oh my gosh!!! I love this song!" I screamed. I started to dance to the song and the boys just looked at me.

"What?" Haven't you heard this song before?" I asked. They shook their heads and I gasped.

"What is it called?" Lou asked.

"Everywhere I go. By Hollywood Undead." I stated. They nodded and listened to the song eyes going wide.

"So I pick my meat like I'm a fucking butcher, and I pump them pussies like I'm Ashton Kutcher!" I screamed along with the song. They all burst out laughing and we danced to the song. When the song was over the next song came on. We danced, talked, sang, ate, everything really, for three hours!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I went to turn down the music. When I walked back into the living room, a huge smile spread across my face.

"Hey Simon!" I said. He spun around at his name and smiled widely at me.

"Courtney! Long time no see!" He said picking me up into a hug.

"So I see you met the boys." He said. I nodded and looked at them.

"Yeah. They are quite the handful." I said as I winked at them. Simon nodded in agreement.

"Tell me about it. At least I have your help now right?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled at me. Liam started laughing and we turned to him.

"She is just as bad as them!" He said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"I may be crazy, but ask Niall and Harry about how I jumped on the counter and took the bag of chips before Harry can even blink. Or how about my awesome stunt thing I did? I think I can handle you guys." I said. Everyone laughed and I smiled at Liam.

"Alright well, I got to get going. I just wanted to come see how you guys were doing. I will call tomorrow." Simon said. He gave me a hug and left.

Now to explain to the boys how I know him.


Song to listen to this weekend:

Everywhere I Go by: Hollywood Undead.

(P.S. It is a VERY inapropriate song the first line is:

Everywhere I Go, bitches always know, that Charlie Sheen has got a weenie, that he loves to show.

Don't listen with your parents in the room...)

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