~ chapter 11 ~

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Friday soon rolled around. Madelyn and Malfoy didn't interact as much, mostly because of everything that happened when Madelyn told him about her parents. Malfoy was never good at comforting people because of the household he grew up in so their conversations had gone back to small talk and almost like they were strangers, once again. 

They both got ready for the day and went to their marriage class. This was their second time going, and the first time didn't go smoothly. The plan many students made was to go to Hogsmeade after class, which was the only thing getting Madelyn through the day.


"It's great to see you, students, again. Let's begin. Some of you may have already talked about this, but I want you to talk to your partners about your family and your time growing up. Don't be afraid of digging deep. These are your future spouses," McGonagall announced to the class. Madelyn rolled her eyes at the topic chosen since it was the reason they stopped talking. She turned and looked at Malfoy, making him slowly turn to look at her. They both looked uncomfortable due to the topic chosen while the other students seemed like they were having a good time talking about their lovely childhoods.

"I'll go first, I guess. My parents cared a lot about themselves and not a lot about their daughter. I don't believe they were meant to be parents," Madelyn said, looking down to her feet. "I don't get letters from them during the school year and the holidays are just uncomfortable. I choose not to spend most of my time at my own house over summer." There was a long pause, then she looked up to Malfoy who had a blank face. "That's it. Your turn," she said clearing her throat, trying to stop how uncomfortable the conversation was becoming. 

"My father was a death eater," he spat quickly but sternly. "He always taught me to not show emotion and being a Malfoy meant to not be a pussy," Malfoy said with a disgusted tone looking over at the other students. "Then I became a death eater. My father put my mother and I through all of his shit and all of his problems and my mother wanted nothing to do with becoming one. I don't know how she put up with everything but I bet she's ecstatic that he's rotting in Azkaban or she's a lovesick fool," Malfoy spat. He turned and looked back at Madelyn, who was unsure how to respond to his dark past.

"I'm sorry," Madelyn said softly.

"Don't," he spat, creating a long pause as Malfoy looked around the room.

"Are you and your mother close?" Madelyn asked, trying to break the silence. He looked back to her.

"Yes. She cares about me deeply despite everything," he said now looking down at his feet. He adjusted in his seat and clearing his throat as if it was something he regretted saying. Madelyn grabbed his hand, to give comfort, and he whipped his head up to look at her, shocked with almost a disgusted look. He didn't want anyone feeling sympathetic for him but also enjoyed the warmth of her hand. 

"I see you two are doing better than you were on Monday," McGonagall said, making Madelyn swipe her hand away. They both awkwardly nodded, with Madelyn giving a vague smile to the professor. "Great to hear," she said as she walked away.

"I don't understand why we waste our time in this class," he spat, watching McGonagall walk to the front of the classroom. 

"Malfoy," Madelyn said softly, making him look back at her. "I'm really sorry." He made sure not to show any emotion towards the statement so he cleared his throat and looked forward.

"Thanks," he said sternly. She followed as he did, and looked forward. 

"Alright, students, that's enough for today. I'll see you all on Monday," McGonagall announced to the classroom, making everyone begin to pack up. This was many's only class for the day.

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