~ chapter 21 ~

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The days were passing slowly with little to do in the house. Madelyn spent most of the days reading in the library. It began to feel like she was reading every book, which was clearly impossible in her mind. The boys were getting closer and would periodically invite Madelyn to join on days she chose not to be in the library. 

One of the days, the three decided to spend some time in the study that was located on the third floor while Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy were out. The room wasn't nearly as big as the other rooms but was still noticeably apart of an expensive home. 

A spiral staircase was to the left that lead up to an entire wall filled with books. A leather sofa and matching armchair were placed in the center of the room, surrounding a dark brown coffee table. The back of the room contained a desk with delicate engravings along the sides and a matching chair facing the door. A piano and chess table were placed in the empty spaces in the room which didn't seem to be used often.

Theo sat at the desk, reading a letter he had received and humming along to a song coming from a stereo across the room. Madelyn laid across the couch reading a book she got from above while Draco stood alongside the shelves, carefully choosing a book. 

Theo placed the letter down and began writing on a blank piece of parchment. 

"Will all the members of the Greengrass family be attending the party?" Draco asked as he walked down the staircase. 

Theo paused his writing and answered, "sadly, only Daphne will be joining."

"I'm glad. Astoria always seemed quite childish." 

Draco sat on the unoccupied armchair and began reading his chosen book while the sounds of scribbles began to fill the room.

"It sounds like you have lots to tell Daphne," Madelyn mocked as she remained in her same position. 

"Seems like someone is a bit jealous," Theo shot back, sarcastically.

"I am not - but make sure to add in how excited I am to see her in a few days."

Theo smirked and continued his writing. 

Madelyn closed her book and looked around the room for something to do other than stare at words. Not long after, she made her way to the dusty piano sat in the corner. A wave of her wand cleared the dust and another wave silenced the music. Shortly after, a few keys were pressed before Madelyn began playing a song she learned as a child, slowly, while missing some of the notes.

"If you are going to play then at least play it correctly," Draco complained.

Madelyn chose to ignore the man as she continued on, gradually picking up the rhythm. 

"No," Draco blurted before slamming his book shut. He walked over and sat next to Madelyn on the bench. "Do you even know the song?"

"Yes," she mumbled.

"Clearly you don't. Show me what you just played."

Madelyn hesitantly began to play the song, slipping up periodically. But after a minute, cold fingers landed on top of her's, leading her to play correctly. The familiar feeling of her hand in his made her heart begin to beat faster but kept her focus on the song. 

Playing the piano seemed to come naturally to the man next to her as he nearly never stumbled. His eyes never left his hands as they played. 

Eventually, the song came to an end, allowing Madelyn to be released from Draco's grip. She kept her eyes on the keys since she didn't want to meet the eyes piercing her side.

"Play me something," Madelyn demanded then added, "please."

"I barely play."

"You play nicely for a man who barely plays," she said back, sarcastically. 

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