Chapter 3: Late at Night at the Park

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Hey guys! I finally figured out which direction I wanted this chapter in. I kept writing it and just didn't like it cause it sounded to close to a story I had just read so I was not happy with myself. Anyways, I hope you like it! ^^

BTW. Thank you kkamiie and TheMightyQuill for your comments! It helped me get inspired to get this up as soon as I could make it work!


Chapter 3: Late at Night at the Park

Joshna POV

The end of the day came sooner than I wanted it to. I had minimal homework like always since I sat at lunch and did most of it in like ten minutes. I mean seriously. My homework is to easy! The only hard part is math and even that isn't hard. Anyways, Trusten was way too excited about the idea of my muffins. I mean what's the big deal? I make new things all the time. I don't understand. He dragged me to his locker talking the entire time about how good he thought the muffins would be and then dragged me to my locker only to drag me out of the school. He was acting as if he would die if he didn't taste the muffin in a second. I quickly got into my car as he kept walking to his in the back of the lot. Finally peace. I drove home and ran inside. I checked to make sure dad wasn't home before popping the muffins in the microwave.

"I'm home!" Trusten exclaimed as he nearly broke the door coming in and making me burst out laughing.

"What? Are you my husband or something and I'm your wife. Man, you crack me up."

"Where is the muffiny goodness?"

I rolled my eyes as he ignore my question and told him to get his muffin out of the microwave himself after I grabbed mine.

"Yum!" he said as he stuffed his in his mouth almost making me choke on mine from laughing. After we were done eating, we went up to my room and started playing video games until Trusten had to leave to go to his house.

Trusten POV

I was loosing terribly at the video games like always. I mean I was distracted and who wouldn't if they were playing with Joshna?! He was playing with skinny jeans on and a black shirt. The jeans showed every muscle and especially showed off THAT area. How was I suppose to not get distracted by that! When I had to leave, I had to fight the urge to just grab him and kiss his soft pink lips.

When I got home, I sat down at the table and ate dinner. When dinner was done, I went to my room and attempted to do my homework though like normal I didn't. I mean who wants to do homework right after school anyways? Not me. I laid on my bed and watched TV but turned it off not long after because I had seen everything that was on. I started day dreaming about Joshna and how beautiful he was then fell asleep before I knew it.

Joshna POV

I was finishing making dinner when I heard a car door slam and whispered, "don't make him angry tonight guys," to my siblings before my dad came in.

My Father, Thorton Kailerz, came inside completely angry. He slammed the door shut behind him and almost hit a very expensive vase when he was throwing his brief case onto the couch. Everyone flinched when they heard this but quickly hid it as their dad came in.

"Hi dad. How was your day?" I asked even though I, and everyone else, knew the answer. It was just my habit to ask.

"It was horrid. Lets just not talk about it," dad said as he sat down at the head of the table with a big thud.

"Ok," I said as I got up and helped Blent and Charisma to get their food while everyone else got their own.

When dinner was done, my dad and I went into the den to watch some TV while Matt and Damin washed the dishes since it was their night to do so. After an hour of TV, I went upstairs and changed into soccer shorts, a loose fitting t-shirt, and a hoodie. I grabbed my Ipod, phone, and a bag with three soccer balls and left the house.

I jogged while listening to my Ipod for about three miles or so before finding myself in an the old park. I went to a water fountain and got some water before setting the ball bag down and stretching. When I was done stretching, I took out my favorite soccer ball and took of my hoodie and started to do a bunch of fancy tricks like bouncing the ball on my knees and feet. After a while, I took out all of my soccer balls and took of my shirt not liking how it was clinging from sweat  and started shooting them off a tree trying to make them hit the same spot which would make them bounce back to me.

When it was about 9:30, I finally stopped and put everything in my ball bag before heading back to my house still shirtless.

Trusten POV

(just so you know, this starts at about the time Joshna left his house)

I woke up at 7-ish and decided to go on a jog to try and do something instead of just sleeping or laying on my bed and starring at the ceiling. I mean yeah I'm lazy but I can't stand being restless. I changed into my jogging clothes and listened to my Ipod as I headed out of my house and started jogging not really caring or noticing where I was going.

 I soon found myself in the old park that Joshna and I used to go in as kids. All of a sudden I noticed Joshna stretching. Man was he gorgeous! His entire physique was glistening with a barely visible layer of perspiration. You could see the muscles stretch in his leg as he extended them and I could imagine what his chest would look like. It was truly heaven.

 He suddenly stopped stretching and went to his ball bag and took out his 'lucky soccer ball' that was the only soccer ball his mom had a chance of giving to him before she died. He then took off his hoodie before practicing his fancy foot work. So close! I couldn't see his chest at all! OK well I sorta could but he was wearing a darker colored shirt so I couldn't see through it even though it was covered in sweat.

After a while he stopped and did the most shocking thing after taking his other soccer balls out. He took off his shirt! Finally I could see his chest. It was beautiful! Even though I had only seen him with t-shirts and tanks on even at the pool as kids, he had perfect sun-kissed skin coloring. He had well defined muscles. They weren't big or anything but there was still a good amount of muscle. He was drenched in sweat making every inch of him I could see, glisten. It was so beautiful. He must really be an angel is what I thought after looking at hi,. I was having a really hard time not jumping out of the spot I had stopped at and attacking him.

At about 9:30, he finally left the park but the damage was already done. I knew I couldn't deny it any longer. I was in love with my best friend and wanted him more than anything.

After a few minutes, I finally came back to reality and headed to my house to take a shower. That night, all I could do was dream about Joshna and his sultry body.


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