Bastard - 6

26 4 0

Age: 17

"Everyone get to the training grounds now!" Yelled Lord Kai. Everyone who was still in the dormitories scrambled to get dressed and get to the yard.

I was the first to get there, my wings folded tightly behind me. I'd learned to control their appearances when I was around 15, but sometimes high-running emotions could set them off. I watched the others settle into orderly rows around me, a few of them gawking at my wings. Not because I had them, but because of the feathers.
Night Court fae with wings all had large, membranous wings similar to a bats, typically in shades of grey and black. My wings on the other hand, were feathered. Like the angelic white wings of Day court. The one thing that set them apart from Day court was that mine were pitch black, invisible in the dark.

Our War Lord coughed pointedly, bringing the quiet whispers and stares to a stop, all focus on him.
"High Lord Andrew is dead." He said simply, which brought around another long bought of whispering, and a few people cried. He just waited, allowing people a few minutes to grieve before carrying on. "Lady Ariana has fled the kingdom." No one seemed surprised he didn't call her the High Lady, as all but the City of Nightmares hated her. "And Princess Artemis is our new High Lady."

I nod to myself, all this makes sense, but why wake us all up in the middle of the night rather than give us the news in the morning?
My question was answered when he said, "Lady Artemis has ordered for 20 of the best soldiers from each camp to be sent to the palace to guard her and the remaining Royal family."
Everyone went deathly silent. Being moved to the palace would be a huge promotion, despite the horrible circumstances. A few shot fevered looks around the mass of soldiers around me. I understood why; there were hundreds of soldiers in this camp alone, but only 20 of us would be moved to the palace.

"As she has requested for those twenty of you to be moved immediately, I have already chosen who will go." Kai carried on, having everyone's undivided attention. Barely anyone was breathing, holding their breaths, waiting for his next words.
"Anyone under sixteen may go back to bed." He said first, I remained firmly in my place, my 17th birthday had been months ago. We waited for the majority of the trainees to go back to bed, leaving about 80 of us.
"And for the twenty being transferred," he pulled out a list. "Larue, Foreswift, Duras, Albion, Boneflare, Aureus, Westbrook, Clanwing, Chabares," he listed off, I half tuned him out, listening for my name. When he neared the end of the list I began to lose hope. As I started to turn to head back to the dormitories, I heard it.

My name. The last name on the list. I blinked at the Lord, all but oblivious to the sounds of outrage from those who weren't picked. I could've sworn Kai winked at me.
"The twenty of you get 10 minutes to pack your things before we leave." He said. "The rest of you, get back to bed."
For a second the 20 of us just stared at each other before heading out to our respective dormitories.

It look less than 3 minutes for me to pack all my belongings, which really just consisted of a few knives, my bow and quiver, a few extra sets of clothes, and toiletries. The only things that really mattered to me were the knives, which had been my mother's. I gathered them all into a rucksack the Lord had given me and headed out to the meeting place.
I was more than ready to move on from this place.


We were the first group of soldiers to arrive at the palace out of any of the camps. Which didn't surprise me that much, as Kai had always been efficient when it came to orders from higher ups.

We were greeted by a tall white haired female that everyone recognized by sight. It was easy, especially with the coat of arms proudly displayed on the pommel of her sword. Rayla Dark. The most famed General of the Night Court.
She surveyed us, giving us a feral grin which made several of my peers shrink back; Rayla was known for having a distaste for males. I just nodded my head respectfully to her. To my surprise, she noticed, taking a moment to study me before giving me a grin that was mildly less feral and dangerous than the one she'd given the group. I exhaled a small breath of relief when she turned away from me and said, "The High Lady is waiting for you. This way."

We followed her through the courtyard and into the palace, where we found a petite girl sitting on the throne. My mouth went dry. Artemis Night. Rumored to be the most powerful High Lady known to the court. She was tiny, maybe 5'3, with long black hair carefully arranged into braided horns on top of her head, meant to intimidate and strike fear.
It worked.

She was also breathtakingly beautiful, her sharp expression muted by the softness of her eyes, her mouth. She knew what she was doing, knew what she had to do, had to be.
That didn't mean she liked it.
I pushed the dangerous thought from my head. Not only could she read minds as easily as a book, but she was the queen, and I was a common foot soldier.

Kai bowed to her, and the 20 of us all kneeled, a fist over our hearts in respect. She stood, walking to Kai, who rose from his bow.
"Your Majesty, my deepest condolences for the fate of your father." He said, bowing his head. Her eyes tightened, revealing the pain that her mouth wouldn't speak. I felt for her.
"Thank you Lord Kai. I assume these are your chosen twenty?" she said.

If I hadn't mentally braced for her voice, I might've gaped the way some others around me were. Her voice was still as young as she truly was. As clear and beautiful as a lake under a full moon. Kai nodded and she turned to look at us.
"Rise." She ordered, though her tone was soft. We obeyed, not one of us looking her in the eye.

When she started walking to each of us one by one, asking for our names and other information, I froze. Speaking directly to the High Lady was much different than simply obeying orders. Thankfully, by the time she got to me, I'd schooled my features into a calm mask.

"What's your name?" she asked me, having to look up to meet my eyes.
I bowed my head. "Caliban Nox, My Lady."
Her gaze lingered on my face for a split second too long before she nodded. "How old are you?"
"seventeen My Lady."
I swallowed. "Dead, My Lady."
Her gaze turned sad. "My apologies. Anything I should know about you?"
"I've been told I have a rather strong gift for archery Your Majesty, along with wings, inherited from.." I hesitated before taking a small breath and finishing. "My father."
If she noticed me hesitate, she didn't comment. She simply nodded and moved on. Though taking a glance back at me when she thought I wasn't looking. Though the only thought chasing through my head was She's kinder than I expected.

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