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Izuku was often considered to be an odd kid. He always seemed to be attracted to dangerous situations. He almost died multiple times before the age of four, and even more often in the years after then. Though those after weren't his fault. He always wondered why. Though after the age of four he didn't have to wonder.

Izuku lived in a world were super powers are common. However they are called quirks. 80% of the population manifest them in their lifetime. Often around the age of four. However late bloomers are less common they do exist. The other 20% of the population are labeled quirkless and are discriminated against constantly.

Anyways our story starts on Izuku's fourth birhtday. He was going to the quirk doctor to find out what quirk he would get. He was in the back of his parents car. Almost bouncing in the backseat. His dad looked into the mirror above the dashboard and chuckled,

"We're almost there Izu. Calm down." His father smiled at him in a relaxed manner. Izuku gave back an almost blinding smile that showed just how overly excited he was.

"I know Tou-san but I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about what I'll get. Maybe it'll be strength inhancement, or maybe something like Kacchan's!" The feeling of excitement and anticipation radiated off of his words. Kacchan was Izuku's best friend. His real name was Kastuki Bakugo, but when he was slightly younger he couldn't say that. Kacchan had gotten his quirk a week ago. His sweat could ignite into explosions.

When they got into the quirk doctor's room he sat on the bed and the doctor took a bit of his blood. He was then asked to follow a nurse into a separate room for an X-ray. When he got back he sat down in the same spot with his parents and waited. The doctor came in and said,

"Congratulations, your son has a quirk. However it is rather dangerous for him and others. His quirk is called Relapse. Any damage that Izuku takes he  can give to someone later, through direct contact. He can also absorb other's injurys. This heals whoever he absorbed the injury from, while also allowing him to give it to someone else later (He's basically Camille Beldon from Super Powerds). This quirk makes him naturally drawn towards danger, it also means he has a higher regeneration abilitys." His parents looked shocked and Izuku was already mumbling about it's practical applications. His father thanked the doctor, and grabbed Izuku's hand as hard as he could without being noticed. He basically dragged Izuku out of the office. As soon as he got home he slapped Izuku. You see Izuku's father was obsessed with him becoming a hero as well. This is because He had been expelled from the hero course for not being strong enough.

"You want to be a hero right?" Izuku knodded, and his father continued, "Then I'm gonna make you feel so much pain, so that you will be so strong no one will be able to defeat you." Every night since then Izuku has been in so much pain. When he went to school in the morning his mother who hadn't been able to stop him the night before told him to tell his class mates he was quirkless so this wouldn't happen at school to. Unluckily she forgot about how badly quirkless people were treated.

A/N: That's it for the first chapter. I'm sorry it was so short. The next two chapters will probably also be pretty short. With that said remember to vote, and peace out✌️.

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