Chapter 2

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Izuku was out behind the school looking for his notebook. It would be bad if his dad saw it burnt, but even worse if he didn't see it at all, at least if it was burnt Izuku could copy it down into a new notebook. He found it not only burnt but sopping wet with a couple fish sized bites in it. He put it in a separate pocket then his schoolwork. He would really rather not have that get wet as well.

He decided to take the long way home hoping to avoid Kacchan and his goons. He was walking under a bridge when a large amount of green slime came out of the sewer,

"A perfect meat suit!" It said in a relieved manner, like it was had been searching for one for hours. Before Izuku could move he was suddenly surrounded by the slime. It was trying to stuff itself down his throat. He tried to scream but that just opened his mouth wider and the go stuffed more of itself down his throat. He started squirming, and then he realised he was actively touching the thing. He could use his quirk. He gave the slime one of the larger burns his father gave him. The slime around him seemed to evaporate from the new intense heat. The slime screamed. It tried again, but before it could go down Izuku's throat a voice was heard.

"Detroit Smash!" A huge gust of wind threw Izuku against the wall . When woke up he found All Might standing over him. "Ah, I see you are awake, well now I know you are okay I must go!" All Might said as he walked away.

" Wait, All Mig-" Izuku's shouting was cut off by the sound of All Might jumping away. 'He didn't even spare me the time of day, why would he? I mean he's got more important things to do then deal with a worthless Deku.' Izuku thought as he walked home in a daze. Suddenly, the daze broke as he heard what sounded like a massive explosion. Why am I here, did I walk toward the noise subconciously? 'If I'm late for hero history dad will kill me, but if it's a villian attack dad will reward me for going out of my way to observe the heroes.' With that thought Izuku ran towards the explosion.

When he got there what he saw almost made him scream. Kacchan was being attacked by the same goo Izuku was earlier. Izuku looked at his eyes, and he knew what to do.

Before he could formulate a plan Izuku was running at the Goo arms out stretched the heroes yelled at him to stop. When he reached the Goo he gave it years worth of burns. When he stopped touching the slime all that was left was a small puddle with two eyes and a mouth. Kacchan looked stunned, but that quickly turned to anger. However before he could tell at him the heroes stepped in and started scolding Izuku. They praised Kacchan his bravery and threatened Izuku to arrest him if he ever did it again. They seemed to be trying to make people think it was because vigilantism is illegal, but to Izuku it almost seemed like they were angry they didn't get to show off.

One final hero walked up, he was dressed in all black with yellow goggles and what seemed to be a scarf. Izuku immediately recognized him, this was Eraserhead. He was Izuku's favorite hero. He avoided the press and his quirk meant that he fought quirkless. Izuku thought he was amazing, and he fought a losing battle to keep a starstruck face at bay. Eraserhead noticed and grinned imperceptively, so this kid new him. Judging by his face he might even be a fan.

"I'll walk you home." Eraserhead said. Izuku beamed and they started walking. As they walked they started to talk.

"So kid what's your name?" Eraserhead asked politely.

"Mydoria Izuku." Said Izuku spitting it out a little to quickly. He didn't seem to notice, and he continued staring at his favorite hero.

"You know what you did was reckless, right?" When Eraserhead said this Izuku looked down.


"Normally I would scold you for being reckless and stupid, but judging by the look the other kid gave you I'd say you know each other?"

"Yeah, I know him but we haven't been... On the best terms for a long time."

"Even still you rushed to save him. To do anything you could to help. What were you thinking in that moment." After Eraserhead said this Izuku thought before responding.

"I wasn't, Kacc- Katsuki, looked like he needed help. Before I could formulate a plan I was moving. The same villian had tried to do the same thing earlier to me, so I did a stronger version of what I did to help myself then." When he said that Eraserhead asked the question Izuku was dreading.

"What is your quirk." Even if he didn't want to answer he had one prepared.

"It's called Relapse, I can absorb other's injurys, and I can give them to someone else. I can also give people injurys I have previously sustained. My quirk draws me towards dangerous situations and speeds up my body's recovery time from injurys." Izuku said nervously. Eraserhead knodded and then said,

"I can tell that you didn't do it for the fame. You would make a great underground hero for rescue and infiltration." Izuku beamed he always loved the idea of underground hero's, hero's who operated unseen and helped people from the shadows. That was the type of hero Izuku longed to be, but his dad would never let him. They then reached his home and Eraserhead walked jumped up on to the building nextdoor. Izuku walked inside and his father seemed overjoyed.

"I saw you save Katsuki from that villian son! You did so well. Now that I can see you're are taking your goals seriously, I will increase your training." With that said Izuku's father pushed him up against the wall. "I wasn't planning on using this so early, but I met a man, and he gave me a new way to make you stronger." As he said that his hands turned into blades, and he cut Izuku's arm. Izuku screamed at the new sensation, he had been burnt and bruised but never cut. He began crying as he resigned himself to his fate, after all his father was just making him stronger, right? 'No he's not, he's just hurting you hurt him back. Bring out his blood.' Said the voice in Izuku's head, just as his father raised another hand to hit. Izuku, a pale scarf-like thing

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