Chapter 4

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A/N: Sorry this took so long, school took up my entire schedule.

It had been about 10 months since Aizawa had taken Izuku home for the first time, and five months since Aizawa had officially adopted him. His father had been convicted and was officially in jail. Instead of waking up to his father standing in the kitchen, he woke up to his dad surrounded by cats, who had taken quite a liking to Izuku. He smiled at  his dad and sat in a seat at the table. The cats had heard the bacon sizzling and we're rubbing against his dad's legs.

It was the entrance exam for U.A. today. After months of careful deliberation he had decided he would apply to the hero course. His father wanted to give him a recommendation, but Izuku refused. His dad barely reacted, all he did was smile, almost proudly. Izuku had wanted to get into the hero course on his own merit, and wanted to be tested like most people were.

In all honesty Aizawa knew that the test would be hard for a fighter who was less about destroying  the targets so him and Nezu had programmed the robots to respond to certain aspects of a person's quirk. For example, this called named Hiroshi Shindig had the power to control anyone if they responded to him, so to make sure he could use his power every 2 minutes all the robots will make a sound if he made a noise within 30 seconds prior to the noise and he is within 15 meters of a robot that robot is under his control until the end of the test, or it being damaged to the point where it can't work anymore. Any robot he controls or has used other robots to destroy will be added to his total. For Izuku if his skin touched any part of the robot  they would shut down, and be added to his total. Of course, this would only be explained to the students at large during the assemblie.

Izuku was dressed in black shoes, black pants, and a black hoodie. He knew Kacchan would be there so he would try to stay a part of the background for as long as possible. Izuku was making coffee he, like his dad, had trouble sleeping and developed a caffeine addiction. Izuku had been planning out his hero costume for when he got accepted into U.A.. It was similar to his father's in the way that it was so simple. It was a dark suit with a long white coat over it and black gloves. The material it was made of was so thin that touching it was the same as skin to skin contact, it's light weight also increased Izuku's mobility and speed. Those were the two things the hero had worked hardest on. Seeing as his quirk needed contact he figured learning martial arts and finding a way to bring enemies closer to him would be helpful. His father had taught him the basics of karate, but his dad had expanded on that and given him an almost masterful control and understanding of karate, judo, and taekwondo.

The first part of the test started an hour from now so Izuku had a couple of minutes before he would start walking there. He finished a cup of coffee, at some eggs and bacon. Then he was on his way with 2 extra travel mugs of coffee and a dark green sleeping bag. (Another habit he had picked up from his dad.)

When he got to the gates he put his hood up. He noticed a purple haired kid with very similar bags under his eyes to Izuku's and his dad's. He discretely made his way towards the kid. He could feel the tiredness radiate off the kid, so he handed him the extra travel mug. The kid knodded at him, then he took a sip. When he finished he looked at Izuku and in a bored, but calculatingly, tone said,

"Names Hitoshi Shinso."

Izuku matched his tone and handshake with his own, "Izuku Aizawa." Izuku took out his own mug and started drinking they walked in silence until Izuku saw a girl with short brown hair trip on a rock. As they were getting up he tapped them on the top of their head and the scrapes on their hands and knees were gone. They looked up to see who had tapped them, but Izuku was already gone.  Shinso and him got to the auditorium and sat in the back. They were all given a written test and Izuku was one of the first to finish along with Shinso, Kacchan, and some weird blue haired kid. As soon as he got back to his seat he pulled out his green sleeping bag and took a nap.

As soon as everyone was done with the written exams Present Mic walked on stage, and his yelling immediately awoke Izuku. Izuku already knew Present Mic, or just Mic. He often came over and pestered dad. The first time he met Izuku he was shocked that Aizawa had adopted him and was not his biological son. Izuku had been drinking coffee and Mic had gotten loud and in his face, so he curled up into his green sleeping bag and took a nap. Mic's explanation of the rules was going fine until the explanation of the robots. The blue haired kid from earlier raised his hand and Mic called on him. Izuku ignored his question until Blue Hair pointed at him.

"And you in the back row with the hoodie, don't you know it is disrespectful to where a hood indoors, and when you finished the written test you pulled out a sleeping bag and took a nap that is incredibly disrespectful to Present Mic. Also you and the person next to you have been drinking this whole time, that is incredibly disrespectful to those who spent time making this exam possible, and to those around you." Said Blue Hair in a almost robotic voice, and Izuku just shrugged and pulled his hood down. With his hair now visible the only difference between him and Shinso was the color of their hair. Most of the people in the room would think they were brothers for quite some time.

Apparently Blue Hair had asked about the fourth type of robot which Izuku had guessed was probably worth 0 points. He explained the extra mechanics that had been set up for him, Shinso, and a few other people. When that was explained they were sent off to the field.

Izuku was stretching at the gate to the city when Mic's voice over the speakers yelled,

"Go!" As soon as that was said he was gone.

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