Chapter Two

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She made her way back to the gaming room, where she had been three days previously, she hoped he was there. She stepped through the dark, wooden door. She looked around, and spotted the pinball machine; only no Thor. It would seem her hopes had been dashed.

There was a soft click of the door closing behind her. She could feel someone standing over her. She turned her head and looked up.

“I assumed you’d let me know when you were free that day, then it occurred to me that you may have been expecting me to make the first move.” Thor said.

Lori blushed and nodded.

“Well, I’m free now; it’s my lunch break. Do you want to go?” She asked.

“Certainly,” He smiled his reply. He walked toward the door and held it open – they both stepped through it, and went arm and arm into central New York.

“So where would you like to go?” Lori asked him. He made no reply, so she continued, “How about Starbucks?” When they stepped inside the coffee house the room was abuzz with coffee-fuelled energy, it was infectious.

They waited in the queue, but a few people edged away slightly and let them through, Lori assumed it was Thor size that people found intimidating. Lori ordered a Panini and a hot chocolate and Thor ordered a black coffee.

“Where would you like to sit?” Thor asked her, she gingerly pointed over by the window, which situated the most comfy looking leather chairs Lori had probably ever seen. Lori sat down in one and she sunk a good few inches. Thor did the same, though because Thor was much larger than her, it amused her. He looked at her oddly.

Silence ensued in their little corner of the coffee shop.

Lori was the one to fill it. “Would you like to play Twenty Questions?”

He replied, “I am not familiar.”

“It’s where you take turns in asking someone twenty questions; basically.” She gave him a smile.

“May I start?” Lori nodded, Thor continued, “Where are you from? You do not sound as if you’re from the Americas.”

“America. No, I’m not – I’m from Britain, London.”

Thor nodded and considered this for a moment. Lori asked her question, “So where are you from?”

“Asgard – it’s one of the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil.”

“The world’s tree,” Lori said. Thor looked at her, “I did Classics at school, and I’m part Viking… Though I only learnt the basics – Asgard, Yggdrasil.” she smiled again.

Thor beamed, “Ah, I see, do you have any siblings?”

“No.” said Lori, simply. “How about you?” She asked, after a moment of consideration.

“I have a brother.” His tone went serious slightly, like there was something… more. Thor did not elaborate, so Lori dropped the subject.

“What of your elders?” Thor asked, quickly, changing the subject.

“My parents – one’s a herpetologist and the other is photographer. It’s a pretty odd mixture, I know, but they met at the University of Westminster, and a mutual friend introduced them.” Lori looked out of the window, and then turned back to Thor, “How are your parents? Or elders?”

“My father is Odin, the All-Father, of the Nine Realms, and my mother Frigga, is Queen of Asgard.” The God gave a small smile.

“Wow,” said Lori, quietly. In the slight absence of their conversation, she took a few bites of her Panini.

“Let’s try something simpler – what is your favourite colour?” Thor asked.

“Rainbow, all the rainbow colours – they’re bright and positive. What’s yours?”

“Red. It’s strong, bold and powerful…” he replied.

“I’m trying to ask straightforward questions, so I don’t waste any…” Lori suddenly said.

“I’m trying to do the same.” Thor grinned.

They both laughed and giggled, and the apprehensive atmosphere lifted, and the conversation became lighter, and more carefree.

The last round of questions seemed to come around very quickly. “Lori, what did you want to do when you were younger?”

“Well, I wanted to be a marine biologist then I realised that it was a rather difficult career to get into, and then I wanted to be an actress, because I was apparently good at it. My friend; wanted us to go to RADA; Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, in London; together… I don’t know; it just faded… Then I moved to New York and became a Personal Assistant, now I work for Tony Stark.” Lori shrugged her shoulders in modesty, “What would you want to be, if you weren’t heir to the throne of Asgard?”

He rested his chin on his hands, and considered it. He looked her in the eye, from under his eyelashes, “Very good question. I’ve never thought about it... I assume I would be a Warrior.” He smiled.

Lori took another bite of her Panini; she looked up at Thor sheepishly, and said, “Do you want some?”

Thor nodded, “If you are offering…”

Lori passed the tomato and mozzarella Panini to him, and he awkwardly took it into his hands and bit it in the corner. A smile emerged on his face when he tasted it.

“This is wonderful. What is in it?”

“Tomato and cheese – It’s a good combination, I know… Do you want your own?”

Thor nodded his enthusiasm, his hair bobbing, making him look like a big puppy. Lori stood and got back into the queue.

“What are you doing, Lori?”

“Getting you a Panini – go sit back down, we’ll lose our seats…” A party of three was moving towards were they had sat, two of the three girls saw Thor backed away, never looking away from him, this looked very comedic; though the third girl saw him and swooned. Lori actually thought she was going to kill over, but fortunately, she didn’t and even more so, Thor barely paid her any attention. He resumed his seat.

Lori got in front of the counter and ordered for Thor. She smiled at the girl and headed back to him. They both sat in silence while they ate their Panini’s. Lori looked at the time, her eyes widened.

“Thor, I’ve got to go, I’m late for work.” Lori’s voice started to rise.

“I shall accompany you.” Thor smiled.


When they entered Stark Tower, Lori was ten minutes late. Pepper was the one who greeted them. She was going to get fired.

“You’re late. Why?”

Pepper’s abruptness caught Lori off guard, and she couldn’t form a coherent sentence.

Tony walked into the foyer from the lift and joined them.

“Lori, why are you late?” said Tony. She was so fired.


Thor spoke, “Tony, it was a fault of mine, Lori and I went for lunch; I did not know of the time. I’m sorry, do not punish Lori. It was not any fault of hers.”

“Point Break…” Tony nodded, “Come on, then.” Tony then turned and headed back to the lift, summoning Pepper and Lori to follow him. Lori looked over her shoulder at Thor, she gave a thankful smile and he beamed. This was the beginning of their friendship. 

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