Chapter 7

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Lori woke on silver silken sheets… she looked around her – the chamber was same as Thor’s however, the walls weren’t entirely gold, they were flecked with silver, and the drapes around the bed were a deep emerald green. She was in Loki’s room.

“Oh my God!” She exclaimed.

“Yes?” A voice murmured from behind her head. Lori realised that she’d woken up from lying on Loki’s chest. “You said, ‘oh my God’, I assumed you meant me… never mind… I suggest you use a quieter tone, my dear, everyone else is sleeping; I don’t sleep very much…”

“Oh… What time is it?” Lori asked.

“Early.” Lori began to shift her weight so she could stretch, “Lori, I wouldn’t move if I were you.”

“My head hurts.” Lori put a hand to her head – it was pounding, as if she’d been drinking the night before…

“I told you. But your head hurting – Yeah, that’s my fault, sorry…” Loki told her.

“What?” She couldn’t process the information, and she really wasn’t much of a morning person either; however something clicked, “The strings?”

“Yes, I wanted a bit more control, sorry.”


“This is becoming an awkward topic of conversation…”

Part of her mind was sobering up, “Did we have sex?”

Loki looked at her. “Yes. But you were always aware of what was happening, and I loosened the strings – as you call them – so you always had more control than me, and I even asked you if I could, you agreed. This is still awkward, isn’t it?”

Realisation hit Lori like a train. “What have I done? What will Thor say? Oh my God.” She put her head in her hands. She felt the tears prickling behind her eyes, though she couldn’t stop them.

“Hey, Lori; don’t cry please. Thor doesn’t have to know… Okay?” Loki put his arms around her and held her there for a few moments, he kissed her hair. “It’s going to be okay; alright?” He cupped her face in his hands, and their eyes locked, “I promise.”

Lori nodded and nuzzled herself into his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. Loki enjoyed Lori’s proximity; he eased backward so that he fell back on the sheets again, still having Lori in his arms.

“Why don’t you sleep?” Lori suddenly asked.

“I do, just not very much, never have really, from when I was little. Thor however, could sleep to noon, if he so wished it.” Loki smiled, “I guess I secretly thought mischief mostly happened at night. So I’m always ready to cause it…”

“Seems like a good strategy.” She replied.

“I agree.” He said. Lori giggled.

“You’re warmer than you were when we were in the dungeons…” Lori explained, after a few moments.

“Am I? Hm… I suppose I am,” he replied.

Loki trailed his fingers down Lori’s back, making intricate patterns, feeling her soft skin. She wrapped her arms around him, he looked toward her.

“Sorry I snuggle, quite a bit.” She shrugged.

“Not to worry, whatever makes you comfortable,” He kissed her head again. Lori closed her eyes – this was perfect; just perfect.

Lori announced, “I could stay here, forever.”

“I second that, for all eternity.” Loki moved a strand of hair, off her face, so he could admire her flawless creamy-coloured complexion. He realised just what he had agreed. Them together? For eternity? Loki quickly dismissed this thought process, Lori didn’t want to be with him; a monster.

Silence filled the room, simply enjoying each other’s company. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, giggling, exchanging flirtatious remarks, and feeling each other’s beating heart.

Loki shifted underneath Lori, “What’s wrong?” her voice rising in slight alarm.

“Everyone is about to wake… I suggest; reluctantly; that you go back to Thor’s chambers.” Loki replied.

“But I don’t want to leave you…” Lori sighed.

“I know, but my dear, in order for this to work, you must not make Thor suspicious…” He kissed her forehead and caressed her back.

He walked away to the side-room and picked a night-gown to replace the tatters that was her night-gown from Thor… It was silver, and the length of the original dress, “Ugh, I don’t like this length on you, but if we’re going to make you convincing…” He lost his train of thought… and leaned against the door-frame, “Lori, I think we’ve ruined my bed…” he smirked, and threw the material toward her, she was about to slip it on when he said, “Not just yet. I want to see you…”

“Are you fantasizing again?”

“Hmm…” He bit his lip and his eyes darkened with lust. “You inside my bed is a wonderful sight; and it seems I don’t want you out of my bed. But my ever-growing intense fantasies will have to wait. Go; before I beg you to stay…”

“Beg?” Lori said after she was dressed.

“Yes, now go…” His voice grew huskier, laced with seduction; he moved to the door and held it open for her, “Until next time, Miss Rose…”

“Indeed.” She walked out of his chambers while Loki watched her go to return to Thor; a knot in his stomach grew and tightened.

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