Chapter 8

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Lori slipped into Thor’s chambers, quietly, and got into bed next to Thor; who was sleeping soundly. Lori closed her eyes. She felt the sheets move behind her.

“Good morning, my love.” Thor whispered lovingly to her. Her stomach clenched, if only he knew… “I hoped you slept well, I’m going out training with Volstagg and Hogun today; Loki may be coming as well.  So Mother would like to meet you informally, I’ve tried to ask her to wait until I return, but she is adamant; I believe that Sif is joining you. I hope you’re eager to meet my mother, because she is…”

“Oh… Um… Okay… Let me get ready and I’ll meet with her.” Lori smiled; she left the bed and entered the side-room.

“You will?” Thor’s voice rose in hope.

“Sure, if it means that much to you and your family of course I will.” Thor stood and enclosed her in his arms.

“Oh, Lori, thank you, I’ll leave you to get dressed and then I’ll meet you in the dining chamber.”

Lori looked into the wardrobe, and pulled out a royal blue dress, made of silk which was cut off at the knee. She also picked out a silver necklace with a delicate chain. She took a deep breath and made her way to breakfast.

When Lori entered the chamber, Loki and Thor were already seated, and eating, Lori made a conscious decision to sit next to Thor. Loki looked up at her, calculating, reading. Lori tried not to make eye contact, but failed, she concentrated on breakfast; a bowl of fresh fruit.

“Loki, will you be joining us, for training – as it were?” Thor asked, after a while.

“I most certainly will, brother.” Loki replied, a smirk in his voice.

Silence filled the room again.

“Lori! Are you almost ready? We’ll be taking a walk around the grounds this morning, and Sif has confirmed that she will be joining us.” Frigga had entered the room.

“Sure!” Lori stood, Thor standing also, he kissed her on the cheek and Lori blushed in reply.

“It’ll be fine, don’t worry; just keep calm… I’ll see you soon, I love you...” Thor said to her, a lump appeared in Lori’s throat, she quickly dispelled it. “I love you too.” She left, to go with Frigga, but not without taking a backward glace, at the two brothers; Loki winked.

Frigga and Lori were walking through the palace’s gardens; all the colours were vivid and bright, greens, reds, yellows and blues. Their pace suddenly changed when Frigga began to speak:

“I’ve highly anticipated your arrival, and meeting you Lori.”

“Me too…” Lori replied, feeling her cheeks begin to redden.

“Thor... Oh, hello Sif.”

“Good morrow, your Grace, Lori.” Sif greeted them.

“As I was saying – Thor seems quite set on this relationship.”

“Yes, I agree, I...”

“I know; being in a relationship can muddle your thoughts, my dear.”

Lori noticed that Sif looked up, at the mention of Thor’s name, and her eyes widened; she likes him, it was obvious; Lori felt her stomach clench slightly with guilt.

“He seems absolutely besotted with you, and I’m so glad he’s found someone who truly appreciates him.”

Lori nodded in agreement. Sif shifted her necklace uneasily.

“But, I’ve noticed that my other son; Loki; has seemed to also take an interest in you.” Frigga announced.

Lori stumbled over her feet at this. “Lori, are you quite alright?” Sif asked her.

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