Chapter Thirty-Two

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! Guys you gotta listen to this song. It's the best Russian song I have ever heard. Well enjoy both song and chapter!!!

Lin's P.O.V

William powered mama off and his eyes went black.

"He's...a robot" Mya(Derek's mom) said.

"I'm afriad so. You see, Bonnie is already dead. He died thirty years ago(AN AFTON!) due to giving birth. So I decided to turn him robot to keep everyone happy. But he has some...malfunctions" William said.

"Oh dear" Mya said.

"OW DAMN IT!" William suddenly yelled, shaking his hand.

"He shocks people. It hurts I know" I said.

"Here" Daddy picked mama up without getting shocked.

"How-?" William asked.

"Don't question it" Daddy snapped and he teleported him and William away.

Sooooo the day passed. And Mama was fine.

Just having another malfuntion.

"Guess what class?" Miss Orange asked.

"What?" We asked.

"We're having a party at school!" Miss Orange said. I'm not really interested in parties.

"Can we bring our parents?" Kate asked.

"I don't care" Miss Orange shrugged. Kate snickered at me. I stuck my tongue out and continued to read my book.

It was the end of the school year and mama was screaming at Ash.

"YOUR TALLER THEN I AM!!" He screamed.

"Mama calm down" Ash chuckled slightly.

"My babies are older then I am" Mama whined.

"You might be stuck at the age of 16 and look 35 but your around 53 so grow up" Foxy scowled. Bonnie's eyes glowed up.

"DON'T SAY MY REAL AGE!" He screamed, and chased papa around. The fox was just laughing.

"Damn your old mama" Ash snickered.

"WHAT?! THEIR OLDER THEN ME!" Mama stomped.

"True true. Even I'm older then you" Mike said.

"That's sad" I said and the next day passed. I slept at Derek's house with Ash and we woke up naked in his bed.

Ok we had sex before school.

"Come on you two~" I said, poking my boyfriends awake.

"Alright alright baby we're up" Derek yawned and scooped me up into his arms.

"Wha-?! Derek!" I screamed, holding onto him tightly. He laughed and Ash huffed.

"Aww don't be so jealous cutie" Derek chuckled, taking Ash up by his free arm.

"I wasn't jealous. I just-...I just wanted to get something" Ash muttered. I kissed my brothers cheek and his tail secretly wagged.

"Alright enough lovely dovely we got school" Derek said.

"Well, WE have school. You gaturated(*Inhale* WHY IS IT SPELLED A CERTAIN WAY?!) two years ago" I said. Derek attacked my neck with kisses and I moaned.

"You win baby" He said. Me and Ash quickly got dressed and ran to school, hand in hand. The funny thing, Ash never broke up with his girlfriend Nicole, and his friends still hate me.

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