Chapter Ninety-Nine

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! I'm about to have a heart attack right now, because something flashed at me, so enjoy while I suffer behind the text!

Chica's P.O.V

Well, crosses and holy water compele my wife.

"Let's just keep walking" Baby said and we all walked forward.

Lewis took my hand, holding it tightly. I felt bad for the poor kid.

"Alright I-" I was inturrpeted by baby laughter.

"Where's the little fucker?" Bonnie asked, taking his umbrella out.

The laughter started getting more distant, and we decided to follow it like stupid people. We reached with a star in it, and a floating Kai. The possessed baby was flying up, with blood dripping from his mouth, and tears going down his eyes.

He was making crying baby noises.

Since Bonnie was the strongest out of us all, he put the umbrella down and went to Kai, gently taking his little arm. Kai let out a demonic hiss, but Bonnie's expression softened and he took the cursed baby into his arms.

"Put that damn thing down!" I hissed. Kai's little arms hung over Bonnie's shoulder and he stuck his tongue out to the side, kicking his feet beside Bonnie's abdomen.

"We'll be needing him later I feel" Bonnie replied and Kai's eyes went completely black. The bunny carrying him stood there, looking down at the circle.

"B-Bonnie?" Jackson asked his twin.

"Mhm?" Bonnie asked slowly.

"Why are you looking at the circle?" Jackson asked.

"Its nothing. Now lets go"

Sorry for this. Two years later

Gumi's P.O.V(Oh. And they all went home and took the demon out of the possessed little baby

"Alright bye Bonnie!" Jackson laughed and hung up the phone.

He's been hanging out with his brother a lot more and coming home late.

I twirled a lollipop through my fingers and got up.

"Hey Jackson?" I asked, going behind and taking his arm.

"Not now Gumi. I gotta get ready okay?" He said and walked away. That's it.

"NO!" I yelled, and he stopped.

"What?" Jackson turned around, raising a eyebrow.

"YOUR ALWAYS WITH HIM! YOU NEVER SPEND TIME WITH ME!" I shouted. (It's always the cute ones)

"Excuse me? Everytime I try to, you either have a attitude or don't want to! Bonnie's my twin brother! Its family before boyfriends!" He hissed.


"EXACTLY!" He suddenly yelled back, storming out of the room and slamming the door shut.

My ears went down.

What did he mean by 'exactly'?

Some days later

Its been a while.

Feels like years.

But in reality, it's only been days.

Jackson hasn't even talked to me.

And everytime he looks at me, it's a normal look. Not a sweet, kind or loving look. Just a normal one.

One day, he brought home someone.

A woman.

"Awww who's this cutie?" The woman giggled, ruffling my hair.

"Oh he's just my nephew" Jackson dismissed, and I felt like a knife stabbed me. Just his nephew? I.....

"Right" I whispered, and the woman was acting all close and flirtious with Jackson.

I didn't like it.

"Hey papa what's your sexuality? You're married to boys, but you flirt with many females" Alex muttered to our father when the whole family was in mama's house.

Can't remember what we were doing tho. Hanging out I think.

"I'm bi" Papa chuckled.

"Yeah okay you didn't say that in my bed last night" Dad said boredly, walking upstairs.

"HEY THATS A DIFFERENT CASE!" Papa yelled to him, covering Kai's ears.

"I thought you were just straight gay" I said.

"No that's your mothers and father's sexualility(Can't spell it)" Foxy replied.

"Well yeah we can see it out of mama and dad clearly" Ladybug said.

"You see, technally your mother is half bi and half gay, since he doesn't give a damn who fuck's him he just wants the job down!" We heard dad yell from upstairs.

"Exactly" Mama was just hanging from the chandlier.

Jackson stared at his brother.

"Excuse me?" He asked. Carrie, the woman who was with him this whole time and I one I hate, raised a eyebrow.

"Wait a minute you go to other people to-?" Echo squeaked at mama.

"Yep" Bonnie said with no guilt.

"But isn't that cheating?" Epic asked.

"Well hella yeah. But I get paid to do it so shit I'll do it everyday" Mama snickered.

"Si, si deja de presumir de eso" Papa said, rolling his eyes. Dad came back downstairs with a cigeratte in his hand, and it was lit up. (Translate from Spanish: Yeah yeah stop bragging about it)

"Oh, detente, sabes lo que le haces a Freddy. El pobre chico estuvo adolorido durante una semana" Bonnie stuck out his tongue while he said this and dad's face flustered a lot. (Translate from Spanish: Oh stop it you know what you do to Freddy. Poor kid was sore for a while week)

"Cállate no lo estás mejorando" Dad replied, embarressed. (Translate from Spanish: Shut up you're not making it better)

"Mi oh mi no lo soy? Quiero decir, lo último que escuché fue que solo estabas rogando y lloriqueando" Bonnie smirked, raising a eyebrow. (Translate from Spanish: My oh my am I not? I mean, last I heard was just you begging and whining)

Meanwhile, Lucifer was covering her ears.


"Poor dad" I chuckled.

"Aye aye stop yelling" Papa said, his right fox ear twitching.

"Shut up. Now, let me concentrate" Lucifer took a deep breath and her eyes went pure white again as she made things around her move around like in a tornado.

Mama smirked about something in Spanish that made dad scream in embarresment, papa give Freddy that hungry look and making Lucifer's body and hair turn bright pink.

R.I.P Freddy. The world loved you. Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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