Chapter Forty-Eight

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! WELL SCREW THIS!!! WATTPAD IS GETTING GLITCHY BECAUSE I'M HOLDING UP SO MUCH UNPUBLISHED CHAPTERS! Ugh. Well enjoy the song and chapter.

Bonnie's P.O.V

I had to erase the humans memories and wipe the others out.

Ehhh I was too lazy to erase the others memories. So I let them be.

Rider took me back to the house and I entered it. Well. I have a lot to clean.

Two years later

Foxy's P.O.V

We. Were. Doing. A. WHOLE. Family. Thing.

Now, you guys know I HATE my parents. I hate them.

Even though they gave me away when I was one, I remember everything. They were abusive to me. Just because I didn't know English.

But they favorited my twins and sister. Or, sisters. I learned that I have a little sister now. Her name is Star. And my older sister is named Jewel.

Alright back to this family time.

We were all at this fancy place with our families.

"After that inncent(i wOnDeR wHaT tHaT iS mHhH) I hope to never see your face. Because I guess I was wrong" Elenora said. My own sister hated me. My twins were ok with me.

"We all were wrong" Avan said.

"Like I give a damn" I muttered. My father heard me and slapped me.

"Don't talk back you mistake" He growled. He's the reason why I don't cry. The WHOLE reason.

"Yes sir" I said quitely. Maximus and Merci(I changed the name to Merci since I couldn't remember his real name) were quite. Jewel stuck her tongue out to me.

"Mommy who's that?" Star asked Elenora, pointing to me.

"Nobody honey" Elenora smiled.

"That's your brother. My twin" Merci said, snapping at the last part.

"Okay" Star said. I felt something on my arm and looked down. It was my 12-year old son Lin. He was hugging onto my arm, and he looked scared.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, going to my knees. He pointed to Ash agrueing with Nicole. I sighed.

"Its ok" I ruffled his hair and stood up. "Go play" He ran to Ash, and told him something.

"Friend!" Star said, and she was looking at Lin.

"Who was that?" Elenora demanded.

"That was my son" I said.

"Who would have a children with a mistake like you?" Avan snarled. Ouch.

"I would" Bonnie said, walking over.

"Hello Bonnie!" Merci smiled.

"Hello Merci" Bonnie replied.

"I guess whatever. How old is he?" Elenora asked.

"12. But he might acted like a 5 year old. He has this....disablilty" Bonnie said.

"Poor thing" Elenora frowned.

"Mh. He's fine though" Bonnie smiled. Derek came over.

"Erm, I just wanna say that your husband is trying to claw your sister to death" He told Bonnie.

"FREDRICK NO!!!" Bonnie yelled, running to Freddy.

"And who are you young man?" Elenora asked.

"I'm Derek!" He smiled.

"Another one of your kids?" Avan asked me. I stuck my tongue out.

"Ew no" I said.

"I'm his son's boyfriend" Derek corrected.

"Oh. You look....tall for a teenager though" Maximus said.

"I'm not a teenager. I'm 26" Derek said, pursing his lips.

"TWENTY-SIX?!?!" They asked.

Derek nodded.

"Which is still 14 years younger then Lin and 9 years older then Ash but what do I know?" I asked.

"Not my fault I like them but their so young" Derek muttered.

"WHA-Your a pedo" Elenora said, taking Star behind her.

"I'm not a-UARGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!" Derek said frustatingly. I snickered.

"He doesn't rape them. They actually love each other" I chuckled.

"I'm so done with people" Derek walked off and I giggled.

"Hey Foxy why do you have a eyepatch on?" Jewel snickered. I stopped giggling, going mute.

"I-I...." I didn't answer.

"Did you get beat up?" Avan laughed. My tail went down, remembering the day Bonnie scratched my eye, making me half blind.

"Let me see!" Jewel tried to take off my eyepatch. We had a small fight until Elenora ripped it off when she had the chance. Well. They saw my white eye.

"Your half blind....." Maximus said.

"Foxy what's-" I accidently forgot to put my eyepatch on, so when Freddy asked me that, I turned my head back quick. Everyone saw my eye and Freddy stopped dead.

"That's why you wear it...." Mike said. I snatched my eyepatch back and ran away like a scaredy cat, far away.

Bonnie's P.O.V

"FOXY WAIT!" I yelled, running after him.

Ah shit now they know.

I managed to find Foxy, and he was sitting by a lake, his arms around his legs.

"Honey-" I sighed and sat next to him.

"Now they'll think I'm a half blind freak" He said. I pulled him close, and his head went on my chest.

"No they won't babe. Trust me" I smiled kindly. His eyes closed and he allowed me to pet him.

I smiled a little more and began petting my husband. I was surprised when he purred.

"So you can purr?" I chuckled.

"Shut up and keep petting him" He said faintly, sliding to a sleep.

Back with the others

Freddy's P.O.V

Lucfier and Hades were yelling at Avan and Elenora.

"Where's papa" Lin cried, pulling on my shirt.

"I don't know Lin" I sighed. I wonder why he hid it.

He looked hotter with the white eye though.

Mhm. Ok then. Welp I hope you enjoyed this! Have a great day!

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