Quotes about Depression, Cutting, and Eating Disorders, Heartbroken, Love

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Person A: You've Changed..

Person B: Lol, I had to sit back and watch you fall in love with somebody else.  You tell me if you'd be the same after that.


Tired of trying, Sick of crying, yeah, I'm smiling, But inside I'm dying.


I'm a liar because I wont tell you everything.  I'm stupid because sometimes I'm wrong.  Im ugly because my face isnt perfect.  Im a pushover because i like making people happy.  Im a loner because im not friends with your group.  Im fake because im too nice.  Im weird because im not like you.  Im fat because i eat when im hungry.  Im clingy because i dont like to be alone.  Im insecure because i care about what people think of me.  Im no fun because im not always hyper.  Dont try to tell me who I am.  Because I already know.


Dont worry, Just breath.  If its meant to be, it will find its way.


Enjoy your life, no matter how hard it may seem, when life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show the world you have a million reasons to smile.


smart girls are the overthingkers,  the insecure ones, the diffrent ones.  they know what the real world is like.  They analyze every little thing in life.  Why?  To avoid getting hurt.  To find happiness.  They stay up at night trying to think about every possible situation to get through all the problems, they think too much.  They trust fewer people.  Thier insecurity proves thier respect toward themselves.  Of course they try to live away from a drama filled life.  Smart girls know thier worth, now those are the ones worth keeping by your side.


One day youll love me the way i loved you.  One day you will think of me the way i thought of you.  One day, you will cry for me the way i cried for you.  One day you will want me, but i wont want you.


Sometimes I wish I could hurt you the way you hurt me.  But i know, if I had the chance to, I wouldnt.


Trust?  Yeah, it takes years to earn, and seconds to break.


Loved you once, love you still, always have, always will.


I promise there hasnt been a day that I stopped wanting you and you havent got out of my head at all since i first met you.


Shes emo?  You would cut too if youve gone through what she has.  Shes anorexic?  You would be too if you were called fat everyday.  Shes a whore?  She made one mistake, and it cost her her reputation.  Shes loud?  She is invisible at home, and wants to be heard.  Shes a geek?  She just wants to go fr to help her poor family.  Shes ugly?  Tell me, whats the definition of beauty?  You dont know thier story?  Dont judge.


Its like once you have been hurt, your so scared to get attached again.  Like you have this fear that every person you start to like is going to break your heart.


People were created to be loved.  Things were created to be used.  The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved, and people are being used.


You will be thin.  You will be happy.  You will wear bikinis.  You will be the skinny one.  You will have that gap.  You will have that flat stomach.  You will not be ashamed of your body.  You will be beautiful.  You will weigh less. You will eat less. You will excersize more.  You will do what it takes.  You will keep going.


Fighting an everyday war againts the mirror.


Keep your head up.  You are so much better than you believe.  You can do this.  I promise.


When your skinny friend says she feels fat and your just standing there... all fat.


Never call a girl fat.  Even if your joking. -Demi Lovato


Go look in the mirror.  Did it break? No, cause you're beautiful.  Go stand on the scale.  Did it say error?  No, cause you're skinny.  Look down at your phone. Are you alone?  No, cause you have me.


Im so insecure.


It only takes a second to call a girl fat and she'll take a life time starving herself. -Harry Styles


If no one thinks you can, then you have to.


The definition of beautiful does not require the word skinny.


If stress burned calories, id be a supermodel.


You tell her shes beautiful, shell tell you no im not.  you tell her she isnt fat, she will tell you do you see this? and pull out her gut.  You compliment her oh her looks, shell tell you theres girls out there who look better than me.  Do you know why she doesnt take any of your compliments?  It isnt because she likes hearing it or wants you to keep repeating it, but because she truly feels like she doesnt deserve the compliments being given to her.  She knows her own flaws better than anymody else, and they stand out to her more than any body else.  So when she looks at herself, she doesnt know what other people see.


I cant look at myself without wishing I looked like someone else.


My head is currently a terrible place to be.


We stopped checking for monsters under the bed when we realized they were inside of us.


I just dont like myelf anymore.  And theres nothing you can do about it.


I dont even know why everybody hates me.  But then again, maybe I do.  Because now I hate me too.


Thats all for today!  Sorry, that was quite long. And I know that I havent been on or updated lately.  But i will try more!!!  Thank you for reading, Voting and subscribing! :) I love you all.  stay strong.

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