Chapter 1 The Beginning

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As she rose from her soft bed , the sun kissed her light brown skin and shone through her nutmeg brown hair. Saphira's cerulean blue eyes could barely open as she was up all night listening to music. That is a mistake she won't make again.

Saphira hopped out of bed and proceeeded to the bathroom.After a warm shower, she brushed her long straight hair and put a seashell clip in the side. Her outfit today was pretty simple, a casual lavender dress with a purple belt and purple flats.

She headed downstairs just to spot her mom dancing while cooking breakfast. "Mom, stop or you're going to burn yourself" Saphira said with a slightly annoyed but worried face"

"I am just fine honey" her mom said with a reassuring tone.

"How do you think school is gonna be today?" her mom asked.

"The same like everyday. " Saphira said while eyeing the blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs coming her way.

School was normal for Saphira. Her version of normal was talking to her bestfriend Ally, laughing like idiots, trying to act normal around her crush, and tolerating some teachers' foolishness. She didn't hate school for she gets straight A's but sometimes teachers and schoolwork get on her nerves.

After enjoying breakfast, Saphira was on her way to Rivera High School which wasn't far away from home. She arrived to a smiling face with hazel eyes framed by short wavy blonde hair. This was Ally, the best friend since kindergarten. Ally's medium skin tone fits her personality.

"So you ready for the test today? " Ally enthusiastically asked.

"What test?!!" Saphira said with open eyes of surprise.

" The Chemistry test." Ally replied.

There was a moment of silence. Saphira stood with a worrisome face. She wondered what in the world she would  do now because there was no way she would pass it.

"I'm just joking," She said with a chuckle "You should have seen your face."

"Ouch!....What was that for?" Ally asked after Saphira slapped her on her shoulder.

" Think about why you were laughing and you'll find your answers to the pain in your arm."  Saphira said while glaring at her. " Let's go we have things to talk about before Literature starts."

The bell had rung for lunch and Ally and Saphira met up at the usual place, the benches outside of the cafeteria. The two girls did not like the hectic lunch time. It was to crowded with a lot of people, some sweaty, some with a special smell plus the food made nothing better, so they went to the cafe beside the school.

The cafe wasn't pretty today because of Nicole and her minions. Nicole is a rich girl, snobby and rude. She has fair skin with curly black hair, Dark brown eyes and dimples.

"Hey girlies! Such a surprise seeing you two here!" Nicole said with the fakest smile known to man.

"What do you want?!" the best friends asked simultaneously.

"Oh nothing. I'm just saying hello today," she said while walking to the exit "Good luck because you won't be getting anymore."

"Like we wanted it in the first place" Saphira whispered to Ally.

The best friends walked to the table by the window. They liked that table because there was a view of the ocean where the waves crashed upon the shore. The ocean always soothed Saphira. It was like she was drawn to it.

"I think dimples were wasted on Nicole" Ally burst out.

"Ally!" Sapira interjected.

"What? it's true!" Ally responded.

The waitress came over and the girls ordered ham and cheese sandwiches. They went back to school right before lunch was over. Saphira had Geography and Ally had Business classes.

Im geography class the teacher spoke about the ocean. Saphira was enticed, she listened intently as Mrs Hampton moved from waves to beaches to underwater caves. When the bell rung, it was the first rime Saphira did not want to get out of class.

"Before you leave, there is a myth that today something magical will happen." Mrs Hampton.

"Do you really believe in magic?" a dude in the back asked.

"Maybe....Maybe Not" the teacher replied.


"Creepy much?" Saphira whispered.

After school, Saphira told Ally about what happened in class. Ally was sort of fascinated but confused at the same time. Ally went home and Saphira went to the beach. She couldnt stop thinking about what Mrs. Hampton said in class.

Saphira sat on the sand looking out in the distance.She watched the waves crash on the shore and dipped her feet in. She felt at peace until she saw a bright blue light coming  towards her. The light shone around her and she disappeared.

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