OoO Incorrect Quotes

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Inpu- That sounds life a terrible plan.

Xylo-Oh, we've had worse.


Lychee-Hey do you know anyone that can teach me to play the trumpet.


Lychee-I wanna wander around the egyptian side and annoy them.

Nero-technically you don't actually need to learn to play to do that.

Lychee-you have opened my eyes Nero.


Davis-Did you notice how hot your sister's gotten?


Davis-Because I have not!


Lychee-Davis sneezed eariler and I accidentally said 'Shut the fuck up' instead of 'bless you'.

Cal-How do you accidentally say 'shut the fuck up?'


Lee-I'm sorry for all the things I said.

Xylo-And for punching me in the face?

Lee-No, you definitely deserved that.


Lychee-We tried things your way.

Dolos-No, we didn't.

Lychee-I did it in my head and it didn't work out.


Xylo-So are we going to do plan B?

Inpu-Technically, that would plan G.

Cal-How many plans do you guys have, is there a plan M?

Inpu-Yeah, but you die in plan M.

Cal-I like plan M.


Cal-You often use humor to deflect serious trauma.

Davis-Thank you.

Cal-I didn't say that was a good thing.

Davis-What im hearing is you think im funny.


Mikeal-Ricarro, can I speak to you for a minute, in private.

Ricarro-Oohh someones in trouble, it's me, I don't know why I did that.


Ricarro-Is 4 a lot?

Lychee-depends on the context, berries? no, murders? yes.


Xylo-*wins boat race*

Lee-ThAT'S mY FRiEnd BiTCHS.

Xylo-also your roommate.

Lee-EVEn BeTTEr.


Inpu-Im just to tough to cry.

𝒪𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓈 (𝐼𝓃𝒸𝑜𝓇𝓇𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝒬𝓊𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓈)Where stories live. Discover now