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∞༺♥༻✧"𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 𝐒𝐀𝐃" a random 5th year slytherin boy on the quidditch team said to his friend as they walked past the quidditch pitch seeing the blonde lying in the middle downing a bottle of fire whiskey alone.

"no shit, her friend died last week" his companion scolded hitting his friend on the arm before dragging him away, letting the girl mourn in peace.

hayley blake had never been good at handling death. that was proven when her grandfather died, and it was being proven again now that cedric was dead. she didn't process the fact that the hufflepuff was gone till yesterday. and shit did it hit her like a ton of bricks.

it started with just a few tears to a whole waterfall as she cried in the kitchen corner, her head tucked into her lap as she grasped a glass of water that a kitchen elf had brought her. the small creature not knowing what to do worried for the blonde.

cedric diggory had held a major impact on the girls life, he had changed the heartless bitchy slytherin and even the way she played quidditch. he somehow got the slytherin princess to stop cheating during games. amazing? right.

and now that he was gone, what was to become of her? did she just return to how she was two years ago or did she try and continue being the person cedric knew she could be. she wished it was to be the latter but without cedric to guide her she didn't think it'd be possible.

the ghost of the hufflepuff prefect stood a few feet away from her and stared down at the platinum blonde with a deep frown that held many emotions. he knew she wouldn't be able to see him and that worried him. the boy walked closer and kicked the bottle of fire whiskey she had placed down over. the contents of the bottle spilling into the wet grass.

hayley quickly sat up and grabbed the bottle with wide eyes and a quick heart beat. there was no wind to do that and now she was down a bottle of fire whiskey. she didn't know how to get anymore till the weekend and even though it was only two days away she didn't think she'd make it.

"fuck you, diggory" she mumbled as tears left her blue eyes, there was no hatred filled behind her tone, only pain and a sort of longing. the sort of longing that only a friend could fix. a longing for her friend that would never be satisfied again.

"gosh i miss you" he chuckled as a strong gust of wind hit the blonde, her hair flying forward slightly showing the mud stains that she'd need to wash out later. her red jumper which molly had knitted for her was dirty and covered in tears, the sleeves reeking of alcohol.

if her grandfather could see her now he'd scowl and walk away, tell her to get up and get over it.  tell her to be a blake and move on. but she didn't want to be a blake and move on, she wanted to be a child who had lost her friend and cry.

so that's what she did. she cried and she cried into her jumpers neckline until she couldn't cry anymore. she fell asleep on the open quidditch field and let the long awaited sleep overcome her. and all cedric could do was sit back, watch her and make sure nothing happened. just like he had done every other time hayley blake got a bit too upset.

        "𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐲?" george asked his twin brother as they walked through the halls of hogwarts trying to find half of the blake twins. they already knew emori would be in the library but when they couldn't find hayley in the kitchens they got worried.

"i'll check the slytherin common room you check the pitch" fred ordered before they both nodded and took off to find their friend.

george felt a wave of relief wash over him when he saw a head of platinum blonde locks spread out on the field, it wasn't too dark and was just turning to eight. he rushed to her side to see her sleeping peacefully with a fully empty bottle of fire whiskey. he worried she drank the whole thing but felt his nerves cease when he could smell it in the grass. 

"oh hayley, what will we do with you?" he asked himself as he began to haul her up, throwing one of her arms around his shoulder. her not being heavy and him being able to basically drag her like a rag doll off the pitch.

cedric followed behind closely making sure nothing happened to either teenager. glad that someone was there to watch over the girl knowing davina and emori were both in no good state to do so.

"i miss him, you know" hayley whispered, george thought she was asleep but was obviously wrong. the blondes lips barely opened but the words were as clear as day. "i miss him. a lot" she repeated.

george didn't doubt her for a second and only nodded trying to get her to the gryffindor common rooms as quick as possible not wanting a prefect to see them or a professor knowing how much trouble she'd get into.

it had been six days since cedric died and the effects of his death were washing over the students of hogwarts quickly. it being most obvious in davina, peter, hayley, emori and harry . the 4 closest to him and the one who had retrieved his dead body, that wouldn't do well on any fourteen year old.

his death was a warning, a warning that darker times were headed their way and the dark lord was making a return. it was a shitty warning davina told herself.  a note would've been just as affective she thought, but killing her boyfriend surely got it through their heads.

by killing off an innocent it displayed the fact that no one was safe this time from the hands of he who shall not be named. what a shitty way to spend their sixth year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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