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Kokichi x Korekiyo coffee shop AU

     Today was the day. Kokichi had finally mustered up the courage to ask Korekiyo on a date. Well, not exactly a date, More of a study session, But Kokichi would consider this a date. Kokichi was walking to class, his mind flooded with anxiety about what he was about to ask of his crush. Just as Kokichi was rethinking his plans, Korekiyo walked past and Kokichi froze. As Korekiyo passed him by, Kokichi could faintly smell the scent of dried rose petals and old books. It left butterflies in Ouma's stomach and he was completely awestruck, forgetting all of his previous anxieties. He remembered the real reason he was doing this; because he had fallen in love with his classmate.
    Kokichi took a deep breath and approached Korekiyo, knowing full well that by doing this he was putting their friendship on the line. "Hey kore!" Kokichi smiled in a carefree manner. He said this in such a way that noone would ever guess that he had been worrying about this encounter and planning it out in his head for weeks. Korekiyo looked up from his book and stayed silent. Oh no, this was a mistake! Ouma thought. Kokichi could usually easily read people, and was unshaken by their behaviour, but it was different with Shinjugi. He could never tell what he was thinking- and not just because his face was covered by a mask. That fact scared Kokichi. Just as Ouma was about to take back his decision, Korekiyo spoke up. "Were you going to ask me something?" Kokichi pulled himself together. "Oh, right. I was wondering, are you free this sunday? You've probably noticed I'm terrible at history, and I wanted to ask if you could help me study?" Kokichi lied. "Well actually, I had planned on going to a museum that day-" Ouma cut in, "Oh thats ok then, if you already have plans-" Korekiyo interrupted him. "I was going to say, We could study over coffee, and then we could go to the museum together?" Kokichi was so happy he coulden't think of anything to say, so he just sprinted out of the room yelling, "Ill see you at noon then!" Korekiyo had a puzzled look on his face. That was kind of strange. He thought, and quickly got back to his reading.

    Kokichi ran into the mens bathroom and the second he got in there he slammed the stall door and slid against the door onto the bathroom floor. For a few minutes he just cupped his head in his hands and tried to process what just happened. Did he really just say yes..?! Kokichi just sat there until the bell rang, shocked- but happy.

🌸 thanks for reading if you did! It's not very good but I'm trying :)

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