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       Hello everyone!! This is the last chapter I have pre written, so after this one it might be a little bit before I have the motivation again. I plan on writing this weekend though, and thank you for reading this far!! The story is not over yet
If you need to imagine how this cafe looks google cafe diem in Ames, I really like the atmosphere there

        Korekiyo was writing on his computer at a table in the cafe. He had his workbooks stacked next to him, so he was prepared to tutor Kokichi. Speaking of Kokichi, Korekiyo thought, He's 30 minutes late. Did he get lost? Thats when Shinguji realized he never told Kokichi where to meet him. He was about to pack up his things and leave when Kokichi burst through the door panting.
    "I was right you're here!" Kokichi exclaimed. Korekiyo got up and rushed over to kokichi "Are you okay? Why are you out of breath?" He asked. "I ran here." Kokichi said. "You what- You live 4 miles away. I could have picked you up," Korekiyo facepalmed. Kokichi blushed "I forgot to give you my phone number on friday." "Yes, I've just realized that." Korekiyo said, leading Kokichi over to their table. They sat down and Kokichi glanced over at the stack of papers and books next to Korekiyo. Oh thats right! I told him I wanted to study. I actually have to do homework on the weekend?... "Would you like to order something?" Kokichi stopped complaining to himself once he heard Korekiyo's voice. "Since you went through so much trouble to get here I'll pay." Kokichi forgot his wallet anyway.
    Kokichi had never been to this cafe before, so Korekiyo helped him order. Just as he expected, Kokichi just wanted to order Cake. They came to an agreement that Kokichi could order cake if he tried a tea recommendation from Korekiyo. While waiting for their orders, Kokichi and Korekiyo sat by the window of the cafe admiring the heavy rain falling around them. "It's a good thing you arrived when you did, otherwise you would have been caught in the rain" "I'm glad I ran to you then." Kokichi laughed, still focused on the scenery outside. Unknowingly, Ouma had caught Korekiyo off guard and he started to blush. Luckily, his mask covered it. They heard the barista call out an order, "Order for... Kiyouma?" Even the person saying it was confused. Kokichi and Korekiyo sat there for a second before they realized that was supposed to be them. "Kiyouma?" Kokichi asked. "Is that supposed to be our names put together?" Korekiyo couldn't hide his blushing face this time so he went to pick up their order and pay with a quick "Thank you".  Once they sat back down Kokichi asked, "What did you order?" Kokichi prepared himself for a long and confusing explanation of what Korekiyo had ordered. Instead, Ouma was surprised when Shinjui asked "Would you like to try it?" If I told him what it was he probably wouldn't understand.. "O-Oh okay.." Kokichi replied nervously. Korekiyo cut a piece out of the croissant- shaped pastry. It was filled with strawberry and topped with whipped cream. It's not something he would usually order, but he wanted to get something that Kokichi could try incase he wanted to. Korekiyo picked the piece up with his fork and fed it to Kokichi. The boys eyes lit up when he bit into it. Korekiyo tried not to make eye contact with him Why is he so cute.. "This is great kiyo!" Kokichi smiled. "Y-You really think so?" Korekiyo was surprised.
"Yes I love it! Especially since you like it too."  Kokichi smiled. Korekiyo could not explain what he was feeling in that moment. He couldn't find the strength to look into Kokichi's eyes, but he also wanted to hold him and be with him forever. He found himself slowly reaching out to Kokichi absentmindedly, but he pulled his arm back once he noticed.

Thank you for reading!!
Again, I'm very new to writing so sorry if it's not very good. I have an idea for the next chapter though, if you have suggestions tell me 💗💗 ily

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