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           Kokichi wished he could watch the rain with korekiyo forever, but he noticed how many notes he had taken for him to study, and he didn't want to hurt Korekiyo's feelings. "So, what did you have planned for me, kore?" He asked. The phrasing of this question startled Korekiyo. He regained his composure before kokichi noticed. "O-Oh, um.. Well I've taken notes on a few books from my personal library, and highlighted the areas that you were struggling with, or could improve on." Korekiyo slid his notes across the table. Kokichi stared at the papers in amazement, even though he could hardly understand most of the cursive writing. To anyone else, he would have made a rude joke about how much of a nerd they were for writing this much, but Kokichi stayed silent. No one had ever done anything like this for him before. Korekiyo caught kokichi spacing out. "Is everything alright?" He asked. Kokichi looked as if he snapped out of a trance. "Oh, yea, of course.." he said unconvincingly. He's not acting like himself.. Korekiyo worried. "How about this," He spoke up, "..It's starting to get dark, and we haven't studied yet. I wrote down all the resources you would need to study at home, so would you like to go straight to the museum after we've finished our orders?" Kokichi looked relieved. "Oh. sure! I'm fine with anything."
Korekiyo noticed that something was off with Kokichi today. Usually, he would have hated studying on the weekends, and he would have complained about every little thing, but he was somewhat timid today. Almost as if he was afraid of saying the wrong thing.
The two boys finished their pastries and Korekiyo got up to throw away their trash and order two drinks.
Kokichi stared down at his hands. What's wrong with me today? He worried, I'm usually very good at convincing people that I don't care, but it's different around him... I'm so scared that I'll offend him by accident and he'll hate me like everyone else does.. He focused on the sound of the heavy rain for what felt like hours until he heard Korekiyo's footsteps coming back to him. He looked up at Korekiyo.
Something was different in the way he saw him that day. Maybe it was the warm atmosphere of the cafe, the bad weather, or maybe he was just overthinking, but something about Korekiyo drew him in. He felt safe around him, like he wasn't being constantly judged or hated.
"I ordered you some hot chocolate, since it's so cold." Shinguji said, setting the paper cup down in front of Kokichi as he started to pack up his things. "Oh, thank you" Ouma said, pushing in his chair. Korekiyo left a tip for the waitress on their table, which confused Kokichi. "Why did you do that?" Kokichi said. Korekiyo stopped at the door. "Why'd I do what?" He asked in a confused tone. "Why did you leave money on the table?" Korekiyo pulled his backpack over his shoulder. "Do you see that beautiful lady over there?" Korekiyo said in a low voice and pointed to a young girl washing dishes behind the counter. "Yea, why?" Kokichi asked. "Before you arrived, I heard her manager yelling at her. I've seen her here a few times, and shes a good waitress, though a bit clumsy. I overheard a conversation between her and someone else- it seems she's struggling to pay off her loans. I try to be nice to her and leave her a tip sometimes, I hope it can help her a little bit." Korekiyo stopped there and held open the door for Kokichi. "Come on, we'll miss the bus."
          While they were still under the cover of the building, Korekiyo opened his umbrella and held it over both him and Kokichi. After walking for a minute or two, he noticed Kokichi shiver and stopped. "Did you not bring a coat?" He asked in a worried voice. Kokichi tried to act like he wasn't cold. "Oh, no. I don't exactly have one, other than my dice uniform.." he laughed. Korekiyo led Kokichi under the shelter of the doorway of a small, now closed shop. "What are you doing?" Kokichi asked. Korekiyo put down his bag and took off his coat. "You really are hopeless," He said, wrapping the oversized coat around Kokichi's shoulders. The coat was old and green, and it seemed to have a story of its own. Despite being well loved, it made him feel warm and safe. What are you doing-" Kokichi blushed, ready to protest. "Just take it." Korekiyo said as he picked up his bag. Kokichi was about to give the coat back when Korekiyo turned to face the rain and opened the black umbrella once again. "Please, I wouldn't want you to get sick."
    This was such a normal thing to say, but Kokichi's heart was beating exceptionally fast and his stomach felt twisted. His knees felt too weak to walk, but Kiyo stepped out back into the rain, so Kokichi followed mindlessly.
         Kokichi was so distracted that he didn't realize how far behind he was. "You're falling behind, come here." Korekiyo said, holding his hand behind him. Kokichi hesitantly reached forward to h*ld his h*nd, and Korekiyo pulled him over to his side. Korekiyo kept his focus on the crosswalk ahead, but Kokichi couldn't help but stare at him in awe. Why is he so kind to me?.. He thought, First he gave money to that waitress without a second thought, and then he gave me his coat.. Why is everyone so intimidated by him?.. I wonder if he even realizes how good hearted he is..
     "Ah, there it is." Shinguji said in regards to the subway approaching the bus stop that they were on their way to. The night was dark, but the bright light from it's headlights made his eyes a glowing shade of liquid gold- at least, that what they looked like to kokichi.

Thank you so much for reading!! I wrote this chapter during school TvT kiyouma is cute
💗 I was also tempted to write "maybe it was the fact that he had skipped his daily panta bath," but for atmospheric purposes I decided against it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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