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-They were heading to Terabithia after hearing magic was legal there, they wanted a new beginning and to stop running. They just...they were hoping to start living like a family and not like prisoners for once. But after hearing that the kingdom had fallen, they looked so heartbroken. It was their only chance to live peacefully, and they had lost it forever.- she said gloomily.- After the fall of Daobeth, Terabithia was the last Kingdom where magic was allowed. It was the hope of many magic users, but it burned to the ashes.- she looked at her hands, and he could suppose she was crying.- We were together for about a year until Camelot tropes found us. I was starting to believe I had a family again, but I was so wrong.

Lancelot stopped breathing for a second and Gwaine gulped.

-We were not even in Camelot's land, we were in the borders of Esscentir when we were ambushed. But they did not care about that, they didn't care about anything.

God, ¿what had they done?

-I still remember what one of them said while we were scaping. 'Remember King's Uther command, free this Land of magic at any cost.' And they just...killed them. They killed Lily, Reick and...and Diggie. They pierced his throat with an arrow when he ran to his dad as he fell.

Arthur looked about to pass out, horrified. How could his father lead a massacre like that after the great purge. ¿How can he live with himself after commanding to kill without trial, by cold blood?

-Mordred and me made it, and we just...kept running. He held no remorse towards Camelot, he believed the King's son would change everything after being helped by him. Apparently he disregarded his father's orders to help him escape when he was wounded in Camelot when he was younger, and he always held that memory close to him, it made him dream about a new era in Albion. Then, after a few weeks, at the borders of Terabithia we found Belladonna. She was just a foal by that time, and her mother was rooting near her.

She wiped a rebel tear that crossed her cheek and kept going.

-Belladonas mother was my mother's horse, she had the sigil of my family in her rails. By the time the attack happened she was with a calf and I suppose she gave birth to Belladona in the woods. She probably died out of age.- she looked across the camp to see the horse, all wrapped in a blanket and eating slices of apple.- We trained her and little by little she became the horse she is today.- she held the necklace that was around her neck and showed a tiny heart stone of the colour of bronze. Belladona had the same in the rails around her snout.- Mordred made this for me when we lost her for the fifth time, so she could learn how to find me even in distance.

She smiled a little, squeezing the stone against her chest.

-After that we just...started living. He helped me to look for the survivors of the attack in Terabithia and make sure they were okay and that they had a good place to live. We also took the time to make a proper burial to the bodies that were left. Then we looked for supplies to help druid camps around Albion, helping them to make magic barriers to protect the camps. Mordred grew powerful with his magic, and he loved using it for good. It gave him a purpose.

She smiled a little with her lips pressed together and a blush touching her cheeks.

-He was much more than family to me, more than a friend, and after time we...grew closer. And we started to plan a future...together. We wanted to make a place for us, to found a home we could share and truly start living, even though we were pretty young.

Her voice broke at the end of the sentence, but she brushed it off.

-I never got to tell him that he was my home. That...that he was my safe place in the world.

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