The Last Straw

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Hey guys!! This is my new story and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it!! ✨❤️✨🤗 Most of this story will be written with no POV, but when a POV is used I'll tell you guys. 😊

"TOBIO, WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID! IF I KNEW MY SON WAS GOING TO BE LIKE YOU I WOULDN'T HAVE HAD ONE!! YOU BARELY PAST YOUR TESTS AND ITS JUST THE FIRST SEMESTER OF THIS YEAR!! I WISH I ABORTED RATHER THAN HAVING YOU! YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT, AND THEN ONTOP OF THAT YOU'RE A FAGGOT!?! I HAVE NO WORDS!! I HATE YOU AND YOU SHOULD HATE YOURSELF!!" Tobio's mother yelled as Tobio cooked dinner. "I'm sorry mom and dad I'll try better, I will study more." Tobio responded. "Really, I see why people hated you in middle school, you're stupid, a tyrannical dictator, rude and annoying! As soon as you're 18 we want nothing to do with you! For gods sake change you're name when you're out! You are good for nothing and make me just wanna kill myself for raising such a useless child!" Tobio's father screamed. "I'm sorry, please don't kill yourselves, I'll do anything to make you feel better." Tobio responded with a shaking voice. Tears were on the verge of streaming down Tobio's face, but he knew if he cried the situation would just get worse. "Come into my room for a beating." Tobio's mother said. "Then come into mine so I can give you some faggot pleasure." Tobio's father added.

It's always been like this for Tobio, ever since the match where he was abandoned by his own team. His father and mother were there and Tobio new they were disappointed in him so he let them do whatever they wanted to him. He was their slave, but almost a year has passed and he still can't get his parents to forgive him, he is used to the beatings and the sessions his father calls "faggot pleasure", but now it was affecting his volleyball performance.

He thought about running away but he knew that it's his fault that he was in this position anyways. He has had enough of being the disappointment, so he concluded that him earasing his existence from the world would be a much better alternative then running away. And so he walked to a tall building looking down ready to jump.

He stood at on the building thinking about all he's failures in life. He took on big breathe. Then one big step. And jumped.

When all of a sudden he felt someone holding him, preventing him from jumping and quickly pulling him back. He turned around and saw Tsukishima. He could see the fear in Tsukishima's eyes as he continued to pull him back. "Why would you do that!? I needed to jump Saltyshima! If I don't jump I'll be a disappointment!!!" Kageyama yelled tears rapidly rolling down his face as he fell out of Tsukishimas grip and fell to the ground. "Calm down Kageyama! The team needs you! We care about you! And you a not a disappointment to us!" Tsukishima said well engulfing Kageyama into a big hug, not only for comfort, but to make sure he doesn't run and jump. Tsukishima picks up Kageyama and walks him down and out of the building, taking him to his home.

Words Can Kill- Kageyama x Tsukishima Where stories live. Discover now