Beautiful Endings ∘ Prolouge

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I sipped out of the glass, taking in the delicate taste of dark red wine.

A couple drops of a red substance splattered onto my newly bought black heels and I huffed out an annoyed sigh at the man screeching in pain in front of me.

"Enough!" I ordered and the room immediately fell silent.

I smiled to myself. Even in a room full of men, these dudes still know who's boss.

"Stop all that screaming." I got up and walked in a circle around the chair, Micheal was tied to, smirking at the freshly made gashes in his skin.

"You knew what was going to happen when you betrayed me, yes?" I lifted his chin with my long red painted nails.

Red for diva, red for boss, red for malice and wrath. My favorite color.

"Answer me!" I called out, after being tired of this little waste of space just staring at me like I've got 3 eyes.

Speckles of spit from his mouth shot into my face and he mugged me. "Go to hell. "

I smiled. Little buddy can't even muster up enough spit to intimidate somebody. A shame.

One of the workers suddenly came to my side with napkins, and blotted the small spots on my face where pretty boy spat on me.

You see, Micheal and I have a history, which was less than beautiful. I was with him, but he was not with me. He used me, manipulated my emotions, just because he could. I didn't realize it until he continuously would have sex with me, and I would then see him all boo'd up with some random hoe off the street. So now you understand why I have to do this. You hit me, I will hit you back 10 times harder. His despicable ass deserved this.

I looked back at the men in the room staring at me.

"Finish him. " I nodded at the main man, Fergus, who worked with me to determine how we would rid these deceitful people off the earth.

He nodded back at me, and led the other 5 men to Micheal's side. I watched in exhilaration, as they beat him with bats, whips, and heavy pieces of wood until he finally stopped moving.

Fergus looked back at me to confirm, and a let out a breath of relief.

He was dead.

Now to find my next victim.

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