Homecoming was today, I was incredibly happy it came around quick because as of today I am officially ungrounded. Me and Fin had been stealing moments at school whenever we had the chance, but that wasn't enough for either of us. Today was a bit different in the fact that we only had three lessons before we headed off to the game- we didn't even have lunch which you know sucked a little. Another thing different today is that I don't have my favourite two idiots with me as they are in band practice so I was on my own today.
So far most of my classes were basically empty as we had cheerleaders, band, dance squad and the football team out- those groups basically made up my classes. I think I may have English completely on my own as that class is small to begin with and I think all those people out will make it very sparse.
When I walk into the classroom it is empty apart from Fin who is sat at his desk doing some work. "Well, hello handsome."
"You know you can't say that during class time." He scolds.
"Finny boy chill I'm quite sure I'm the only one in class today, homecoming remember?"
"I know I just wasn't expecting it wipe out the whole class."
"All but one but aren't you glad that I'm the one survivor?"
"Yes, as long as you let me get on with this work."
"Have I got any work?"
"Just research some of the poets we have been looking at." I nod and pull out my phone.
I do the work but quickly find myself getting bored so I think it's time to annoy Fin. I send him a bunch of texts, all of which are just variations of his name repeated. Looking up I see him check his phone and shake his head, "I'm right here you could of just spoke to me."
"That was more annoying."
"Ah okay totally a reasonable explanation."
"I'm bored."
"I notice and what do you want me to do about it?"
"Entertain me." I say winking at him.
"That Miss Wilson was incredibly cheesy." He comments.
"Did it work?" I question.
"Hmm, maybe." He teases. Deciding I had had enough of sitting so far away from him I move to sit on his desk. "Okay so we are not going to sit on the desk right now but you can sit next to me." He says grabbing a nearby chair and placing me in it.
"You're no fun, there's no one around."
"But someone could come in at any minute."
"But they won't."
"They will, teachers are very friendly at this place and they like to know everything. Also, they are probably bored."
"Well, I'm bored too."
"And I'll get to you later."
"5 long days since we have been properly alone and you say later."
"Yep, so deal with it." He says finishing the conversation.
That felt like a completely pointless conversation, I'm still bored and he's done nothing about it. A nap might do me well, I lay myself across Fin's lap and my chair. Fin just smiles down at me and laughs- there is nothing funny about sleep.
When I woke up it wasn't by choice it was more like I was forced to, Fin was poking my face repeatedly- I did try get to him to stop but that was useless. Apparently, there was some teacher at the door so I had to look alive and not be using him as a human pillow. This teacher better have something important to say because if not they ruined a perfectly good nap for nothing. I stayed next to Fin but made it look like he was helping me with something.