Chapter 4

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Sofia went to Hugo's castle next week with Vivian.

Sofia came into Hugo and Axel's room. Axel left so they could work on the project. And Hugo and Vivian started fighting over their friendship with Sofia again.

Sofia went out and went to the dining room and sat down and saw Axel and King Garrick come up to her.Axel asked, "What's wrong Sofia?" Sofia sighed, "Vivian and Hugo keep fighting over me and we have a project to work on." "But I have a plan to get them get along." "But I will need to do in my castle for my plan." King Garrick said, "Well I have to say this plan better work, "I've never heard Hugo fight with someone." Sofia smiled softly and went back to Hugo's room. She opened the door slowly and she heard they were wondering where Sofia was.

The rest of the day they worked on it pretty well, they almost went through the day without Hugo and Vivian fighting. Sofia asked, "How about instead of next week on working the project." "We do it on the weekend." Hugo and Vivian nodded and asked their parents and they said yes it was okay and said they can have a sleepover with Sofia. Sofia's plan was set in motion. She was not going to let her friends get in the way of the project. It was not just that she wanted her friends to get along and stop fighting over her but it was important to her because it was school project that was due to in a few weeks and that needed to be done.

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