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Ashley makes a cute little gurgle sound in her sleep as I rocked her softly

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Ashley makes a cute little gurgle sound in her sleep as I rocked her softly. Noel and I decided to spend the afternoon with Lily since it'll be the last time for a while we'll be seeing him. She was sad about the news but happy that he wanted to venture out.

I layed Ashley on the soft cushion inside the crib and watch as she purses her lips softly. She was so beautiful a mixture of both her parents.

"Is she asleep?" Noel questioned in a high pitched voice.He was just a few feet away, his body leaning on the door frame. My head snaps to him as I glared. "Shush dingbat." I hissed and brought my attention to the sleeping baby. I carefully placed a soft cotton blanket to cover her legs and stepped back.

Noel moves away from the door and walks to the living room area. I followed after him closing the door soflty. I'm am now faced with a tired Lily on the couch, her hair matted on top of her head in a messy bun.

Noel sits beside her and brings her feet to rest on his thighs. He starts massaging her feet causing her head to roll back on the couch.

Today was the last day that Noel would be here and the thought scared me but I was sure that I would be get used to it. I would soon be living on my own, yes I still had Lily but I couldn't intrude on her life, not when she just had a baby and now is engaged.

On noticing my arrival Lily squinted eyes fully opens to look at me in question. "Is she sleeping?" She asked with a low yawn after she had spoken.

I nodded and come to seat down on the couch opposite to them,my bare feet being softly tickled by the white fluffy rug. Her lips split in a tender smile.

"Thank you Rose, though I doubt she'll be for long cause somehow she knows when her dad is near." She gives off a soft laugh.

I raise a brow and bring my feet on the couch to cross them over the other. "She's already a daddy's girl. Where is Asher by the way?"

She groans and praises Noel when he massages the right spot." He went out to buy more pampers and milk. The guy literally doesn't let me do anything,not even fill a glass of water. He's practically worse than when I was pregnant." She complains then sighs as Noel continues to rub her foot.

She looks at the clock on the wall." He should be on his way by now."

Noel snorts. "Do you think he'll get jealous if he sees me rubbing your feet?"

Both Lily and I laugh. " Noel will surely get a black eye before traveling tomorrow." I giggled before the words sink in and now there was complete silence. My words weighing heavy on all of us.

I cleared my throat deciding to cut the awkward silence that I was guilty of causing. "So Lily, have you spoken to Niall? Did he get the apartment he wanted?" I asked, my elbows coming  to rest on my thigh as I placed my hands under my chin as support for my head.

Niall had gone to stay with Daisy two months before Lily gave birth. He didn't like doing long distance relationships and decided to put his all into his relationship with Daisy. I was surprised his parents had agreed to it.

We met  for the first time at the hospital when Asher had taken Lily to nurse her injuries the night Margaret and Shelly decided to be criminals. We had instantly clicked and had become friends.

Lily's soft laughter brings me out of my thoughts." Apparently he didn't like staying far from Daisy so he's now staying with her. So I guess he didn't bother renting the apartment again."

I burst into fits of laughter. "He sounds like someone familiar don't you think Noel?" I teased wiggling my brows at her now red face.

Noel nods a teasing smirk making its way to his lips. "Yeah, a tall, blue eyed boy with black hair. Oh and not to forget how much of a daddy material he is right now."

She squirms and throws a pillow at my face."I hate you guys." She whines. I make an oof sound as it hits my face directly and falls on my lap.

I glare at her and was about to throw the pillow back when the door opens. I freeze mid throw and ended up unbalanced which resulted in me planting myself on the floor in the most awkward position.

My ass was sticking in the air and somehow my legs were still crossed. My face was buried into the rug wishing it could swallow me whole. Noel amused laughter irritated me and I was just about to move when I froze hearing the voice I forced myself to hate.

"Nice position." Luke stated, his voice sounding thick.

I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and forced myself to sit up. I could feel his burning stare on my back and I compell myself to not turn to stare at those beautiful blue eyes of his.

Noel had ceased his laughter and was now staring at Luke in confusion. Probably as confused at the way Luke had just teased me a while ago when all he had done for the times we crossed paths was mock me.

The door closes softly before Asher voice floats through the now awkward air. "I brought pampers bab-" He stops and I turn to face him just in time to see him drop the box of pampers on the floor.

"Why are you rubbing her feet?" He hissed at Noel and walked over to them. His steeling glare had Noel squirming before moving away from Lily. Asher comes to sit where Noel  once was and puts Lily's feet on his lap.

"If you wanted a foot massage babe you just needed to ask." He grumbles under his breath and starts massaging her feet.

"Whipped." Luke coughed earning a glare from Asher.

I stifle a laugh and go back to seat on the couch. I kept my head forward refusing to acknowledge him. I knew he was staring, trying to get a reaction out of me from his words from earlier. But I refuse to please his ego which was the size of Antarctica.

"Where's my goddaughter?" Luke asked and comes around the couch to sit on the rug, too close to me for comfort. His arm brushed against my bare legs and a shudder rocks my body.

Whether he noticed it or not he didn't comment on my embarrassing reaction to his touch. I move away from him and I could see how it unnerved him when I had done so.

"She's sleeping, Rose was the one who actually made her fall asleep." She praises and giggles when Asher tickled her feet accidentally.

"I'm sure I would've done a better job at that, right Rose?" He questioned. His tone had a hint of innocence which I knew the question was anything but.

His head turns to me and his blue orbs locked into my own. My body heated up with rage at his clear competitive attitude . Bring it on fucker, let's see who she'll end up liking more.

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