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                        * 1 year later*

"Is your mom coming to pick you up Shawn?" I questioned as I placed some report cards in my bag. I had every intention of going through them when I'm cozied up in my home, well after I play a video game.

Today was the last day of school and everyone was getting ready for the summer vacation. True I didn't have plans for summer other than play games,stuff my face and shit when I have to. But I was happy that I got some time off to relax. I needed it after teaching little monsters.

I had just started teaching about five months ago and I was beginning to think the kids hated my guts. They pranked me whenever they could and I always got home with dirty clothes that smelt of the sewer or sore legs from having to run after them to stop their bad behavior. This job was tiring but I couldn't help but love it, I always wanted to teach kids. Yes I had gotten little five year old monsters but I still love them regardless.

"Yes miss Rose." Shawn mumbled eating chocolate that seemed to be feeding his cheeks instead of his stomach. He was the only one here since the other parents have already come to pick up the rest of the kids.

I nodded and looked up when the classroom door opens up. Shawn's mother comes running up to him and cringed when she saw his face. "I've warned your dad to not give you chocolate, look at the mess you made." She scowled and picked up his bag.

She looks at me and smiles. "Sorry for being late Rose, I got held up at work." She apologizes. She did look like she rushed here from work judging by the pencil skirt and ruffled up blouse.

I smile shaking my head. "It's fine really." I looked at Shawn and watch as he tugs at his mom's hand, impatient to head home. "Just make sure this little fellow over here goes over the numbers at home and not just play for the vacation. He's having a bit of trouble spelling them."

She nods. " Of course." She says and starts walking away. "I mean what are you there for?" She mumbles lowly, probably thinking I couldn't hear her. I did but brushed it off as I watch them walk out of the door.

I sighed and shake my head as I zipped my bag and swing the strap over my shoulder. Yes I was a teacher but that didn't mean the parents couldn't help their kids out at home. Some kids learn better when their parents help them, they feel more comfortable.


I kicked off the high heel shoe sighing when my feet touch the cold floor. "Ahh freedom." I moaned and reached in my hair to pull out my ponytail to let my hair fall freely.

I padded against the floor, swinging my bag on the table. It creates a loud thudding noise but I continued on my way as I started unbuttoning my blouse. I pulled it off and unzipped my skirt, it falls loosely on the floor. I was now in my matching lavender bra and undies.

I walked to bathroom not caring that I was half naked, it was only me here. I needed a shower preferably a hot one to ease up my sore muscles.I fluff out my hair and did a silly dance as I started peeling off the last bit of cloth.
I stepped under the pipe and opened the faucet, screeching when cold water lapped over my body.

"Fuck." I hissed my teeth chattering together.


I towel myself dry and get dressed in loose sweats. I walked out my room and headed for the kitchen but the blaring of my phone stops me. I groaned darting my eyes to my bag then the fridge. Sighing I walked to the bag and rummaged inside until my hands clutched the device.

I answered quickly when Lily's name shows up on the screen. "You better say something good because you just stopped me from stuffing my face." I said through the phone.

"I'm pregnant." She breathed out. I freeze staring at the wall. Did I hear her right? Was this some kind of prank?

"Are you shitting?" I asked.

"No I'm not taking a dump at the moment." She says dryly. Then we both laugh at where the conversation had taken a turn.

"Are being serious though, like pregnant, baby in the oven pregnant, Asher's sperm fertilized your eggs preg-" I ranted out.

"Yes Rose Asher and I are expecting again." She yelled. I winced pulling the phone away from my ear a tad bit.

Then it settled in, I was going to be an aunty again. Another kid to spoil rotten. A smile makes its way to my face and I giggled joyfully, squealing and hopping to emphasize my thrill. "Hear that ghost in my house, I'm going to be an aunty again!" I yelled, twerking while I held the phone to my ear.

"Ghost?" Lily questioned confused and worried.

I stopped now breathing heavily. Who need to exercise when you can twerk, that's one hell of a workout. "Don't worry about it." I said and chuckle.

I sucked in some much needed air. "When did you find out?" I asked.

"Two days ago, I wanted to tell Asher first, I owed him that much from what I did last time." She answers, her tone held a bit of regret.

I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "Totally understand!"

"Congrats Lily, you deserve every good thing that's coming to you." I said and meant it. "I could pass by tomorrow? Oh right it'll be y'all anniversary and I'm sure you guys would be busy." I said and face palmed.

"Thank you Rose." She uttered "About that I was wondering if you could grant us a favor?" She asked.

"Sure anything." I ushered and started to walk to the fridge.

"I know it was last minute planning but Asher had booked a flight to Bora Bora for our anniversary and we leave for tomorrow." She started. I opened the fridge and take out the leftover chicken alfredo from last night takeout.

"Go on." I urged.

"I was wondering if you could watch Ashley in the mean time? It's only for two weeks. I'll understand if you can't-"

"Hell yes! Me and little Ashley alone time. What time should I come over? And is your fridge full with food?" I babbled, putting the food in the microwave to hit up.

"We leave at six but you can come earlier if you want and yes the fridge is stocked. Sorry for asking you this last minute." She apologized.

"It's fine! I love spending time with my goddaughter. We haven't seen each other much since I had been busy with work. I'll come over at five." I said and opened the microwave to take out the heated up food. "Fuck!" I hissed when the heat of the plate stung my finger.

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