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I looked at Lily like she had grown another head over night, it was probably the hormones messing with her head

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I looked at Lily like she had grown another head over night, it was probably the hormones messing with her head. She couldn't possibly think that I would stay with Luke alone for two weeks. Right?

But as time passes and her expression doesn't change I've come to realize she wasn't joking. I frown shaking my head." No no no, that cannot happen. Have you gone nuts? That guy and I can't be living underneath the same roof. Even if it's only for two weeks." I argued.

I turned to Asher, now it was my turn to plead with my eyes. "Asher please speak to your wife, I think she's going crazy. Did you give her too much sugar today?"

Asher scratches his stubble chin in thought. "Actually Rose, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea, I think it's great!"

My eyes narrow in displeasure. "What do you mean it's a great idea? This idea sucks donkey balls." I turn to Luke noticing that he was staying mute. "Luke say something, tell him it's not a good idea." I pleaded.

He doesn't look at me while he speaks. "It doesn't sound like such of a bad idea, Rose."

My jaw slacken as I stared at him opened mouth. Here I was thinking that we were on the same page but here he was agreeing to that outrageous idea. Did he fall on his head before coming here?

Asher claps his hands and I turn to face him, glaring at his elated face. "Great, now we'll show you guys y'all rooms." He says.

"But I haven't agreed to this stupid idea." I complained. Why couldn't it just be Ashley and I? Why did that asshole have to be here?

Lily sighs. "Look Rose, you guys need to get along someday and that just might do it. Please at least try, for Ashley?" She pleads.

And here she goes pulling the Ashley card. I sagged, defeated and nodded reluctantly. "Fine. But if you guys come back to find his dead body, you'll be the ones to blame. Now show me my room before I change my mind." I grumble already walking ahead.

I can hear Luke's chuckles as I pass him. Lily nods and guides me to the room I'll be staying in. Asher does the same for Luke and I glare when he chooses the room opposite to mine. I slam the door. The force wasn't loud enough to wake Ashley up.

I fly the duffel bag on the bed and turn to face Lily with a menacing glare. "What the fuck was that?" I asked, my hands on my hips.

She shrugs. "It won't be that bad Rose, just please don't kill the guy."

I snorted and flopped on the bed. "No promises. Though I have a feeling you guys did this on purpose." My eyes narrowed as I thought more of it.

She chuckles nervously and turns around to leave. "We're already running late as it is, I'll go help Asher put the bags in the cab." She excused herself and exits out of the room.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling. Two weeks, two weeks with a guy I hate. Life really was biting me in the ass. I got up and headed for the door when I realized they hadn't left specific instructions for Ashley.

Yes I was a teacher and basically took care of five year olds but taking care of an almost two year old was definitely not something I have done on a regular basis. I've never been with her alone and I'm embarrassed to admit that I had no idea how to take care of a toddler.

I reached for the handle and open the door, the same time Luke does. We stare at each other before I break the awkward silence. "Look, it's not a secret that we hate each other but we'll work this out for the sake of Ashley. Just stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. We'll just tolerate each other for these two weeks." I propose and started walking away.

"That's fine with me blondie." He says. I freeze hearing the nickname he had given me. He hadn't called me that in a year, the wedding day was the last time he did. What game was he playing at? I wouldn't fall for it this time. I fisted my hands and walked away,not bothering to answer him back.

Two weeks Rose, Only two weeks and you wouldn't have to see him much anymore. I could survive this, couldn't I? I was doubting myself, especially since I've come to realize that the feelings I kept at bay was definitely still there and threatening to come to the surface.

I watch as Lily and Asher put the last bag in the trunk of the cab and started walking towards me. I feel a presence loom behind me and I stiffen knowing who it was. Thankfully he senses my unease and comes to stand beside me, though a little too close for my liking.

"Okay guys whe're on our way now, if you have any problems just call us. There's a box filled with pampers in Ashley's room and some wipes. We're trying to potty train her so if you guys want, you could help with that." Lily informs us.

I nodded letting the information sink in. "Is she allergic to any food?" I question.

Lily shakes her head. "No she isn't. I'd keep carrots away from her though, she hates them and spits them out."

Asher laughs. "I think she got this from me."

Lily rolls her eyes and whacks his arm. "She gets everything from you."

I watch as Asher sends his wife a mischievous wink and watch her face heat up with a blush. I faked gag. "Okay stop it, that's enough. Now go shoo shoo. I got this." I said and ushered them to the cab.

They laughed and nodded. "Well I guess that's it, we'll see you guys in two weeks. I trust y'all with Ashley's life so I know we don't have to worry." Lily says and enters the cab.

"See you man." Asher says to Luke as they pat each other on the back and then he enters the cab after his wife. They wave as the cab drive off.

"You mean we got this?" Luke says beside me, folding his arm. I give him a side way glance and roll my eyes. It couldn't be hard taking care of a toddler. Right?

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